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True Chocolate Lovers Taste and Tell About Sugar Bowl Bakery Organic Brownie Bites

"The brownies are good!" - actual text message from our teen

The fact that my own teen-aged daughter would take a moment of her most valuable time to text very own mother about her satisfaction with chocolate brownies speaks volumes. We shared a moment, a loving moment bonding over the brownie bites that initially lost her at the healthy, wellness of the word organic. Being a child of mine, she and her brothers know that we have had win, lose or draw scenarios on our healthy eating adventures. As evidenced in the above text message reference and the unprecedented unanimous approval of the boy teen and the tot, we have a winner!

Sugar Bowl Bakery Petite Brownie Bites
"every bite is just right"

In the mood for chocolate? Gobble up one of our Petite Brownie Bites, little bite sized pieces of chocolate heaven, right out of the box or warmed up. Even better, savor one with a tall glass of cold milk or a bowl of creamy vanilla ice cream.

I must preface this by saying that we are indeed chocoholics and there is very little that can be done with chocolate to discourage our fondness. With that being said, Sugar Bowl Bakery features Organic Brownie Bites that are bite-sized USDA Certified Organic delight. Weighing in at only 90 calories per scrumptious serving, these brownie bites are free of preservatives, trans-fat, cholesterol, and contain no artificial flavors or colors in their recipe

We honestly expected a chocolate treat that was uber healthy for everyone to snack on and if we sat very still, chewed slowly and envisioned images of unicorns and leprechauns- we would almost taste chocolate flavor enough to imagine having an actual brownie. Absolutely not the case! The only complaint was that the brownie bites should have been the same size as a muffin. An undisputed family favorite that delivers honest, organic brownie bites that appease our home of chocoholics.

Visit Sugar Bowl Bakery for more delicious baked goods!

I have received Sugar Bowl Bakery Organic Brownie Bites for the purpose of facilitating this review. As the owner of this blog, niecyisms and nestlings, I am compensated to provide my opinion on products, services, websites and various other topics. This blog may contain affiliate links. Even though, as the writer/owner of this blog receiving compensation for posts or advertisements, I will always give my honest opinions, findings, beliefs or experiences on those topics or products. This blog abides by word of mouth marketing standards. I believe in the honesty of relationship, opinion and identity. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely my own. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider or party in question.
