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7 Fitness Tips to Upgrade Your Training Workout from a 5K Walk to Run

Step after step, walking has been my preferred fitness routine, with the bonus benefit of being a stress reducing factor in my life. Preferably alone, distance is no barrier to the benefits of a good walk for fitness or for fun. My reality is that schedule demands are more of an obstacle to my training routine than an increase in intensity. Are you ready to upgrade your training from a 5K walk to a 5K run? Work these tips into your fitness training workout to steadily increase your walking, jogging or running distance and level of intensity. Personal safety is always your first priority to preventing injury, always consult with a physician or health professional prior to performing this or any exercise program.

7 Fitness Tips to Upgrade Your Training Workout from a 5K Walk to Run

Run the Runway

Before taking your first step toward putting your best foot forward, get the proper workout gear essentials. High price kicks are not necessarily the style or function needed for your particular regime, ask for assistance to get a personalized consultation for the best options for peak performance.

Listen and Learn

Maintain an ongoing log or journal of your fitness progress and goals. Include your personal evaluation of your physical condition, for instance, if the addition of 100 mountain climbers left you limping with shin splints, reevaluate your workout. Try an increase in your warm-up and stretching segment followed by reduced repetitions to allow your body to recover. Gradually increase your workout repetitions, distance and intensity as your body adjusts to the adaptations. 

Step It Up

That's right! Keep your head up and focused on the path ahead of you, while maintaining an upright posture. Relax your shoulders and slightly bend your elbows to get you pumping strong, not flapping away. Set a comfortably spaced step with steady contact and you're on your way.

Training Days

Now is not the time to completely abandon your walking routine. Keep walking as a foundation and build onto the exercise plan to include jogging and running. The combination of the two will help to keep metabolism high, and increase endurance and stamina.

Slow and Steady

The overpowering need for speed will make you and your stopwatch true frenemies. Having the desire to go all out and go full speed ahead is not necessarily the way to go about training. Tracking your performance while training serves as guidance toward running at a relaxed pace. Improving your running distance takes the lead and increased speed will follow pursuit.

Tune Up

Of course, prior to committing to a training workout plan, consult medical professionals for a physical check-up or tune up, if you will, however a playlist tune up is important as well. Music, meditations and mantras that offer motivation to focus on the task at hand are an excellent addition to your fitness regime. Stay alert to your surroundings with volumes adjusted to allow environmental sounds to remain audible.

Love It or Leave It

Consider your personal progress, goals and reasons for running. Determine your areas of strength or weakness and reevaluate your training workout plan. The deciding factor is the level of satisfaction gained and the ability to maintain your achievements and advance to the next level. 
Ask yourself, "Is it worth it?" Answering yes, is an indicator of commitment worth investing in for the future. Otherwise, this may not be the ideal time to upgrade you training workout and revisiting these goals at another time may be for the best.

What other fitness tips have helped you to upgrade your training workout?

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