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New York Times Bestseller 90 Minutes in Heaven True Story of Don Piper in Theaters

Death... Can the reality of dying bring about a life-changing transformation from such a seemingly void space. The answer evokes curiosity and wonder, speculation and contemplation from people of all ages, races and religions all around the world. Of all the subject matter that humans have been capable of gaining a factual understanding about in our lives, death remains one of life's greatest mysteries. Few have had the opportunity to experience death, then live to tell the story. Don Piper is an exception and his true life story, New York Times Bestseller, 90 Minutes in Heaven, is an inspiration to many. #HopeLives

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New York Times Bestseller 90 Minutes in Heaven True Story of Don Piper in Theaters

You Can Discover For Yourself the Story Everyone Is Talking About

On the way home from a conference, Don Piper’s car was crushed by a semitruck that crossed into his lane. Medical personnel said he died instantly. While his body lay lifeless inside the ruins of his car, Piper experienced the glories of heaven, awed by its beauty and music. 90 minutes after the wreck, while a minister prayed for him, Piper miraculously returned to life on earth with only the memory of inexpressible heavenly bliss. Then his grueling recovery began.

90 Minutes in Heaven is Now a Major Motion Picture

"Don Piper died Jan. 18, 1989, when a semi-tractor truck crushed his car. Declared dead by the first rescue workers to arrive on the scene, Don’s body lay under a tarp for the next 90 minutes. Don’s soul, meanwhile, was experiencing love, joy and life like he’d never known before. Don was in Heaven.

When another pastor’s prayers helped bring Don back to life, he became a living miracle! Yet this is one miracle Don wished never happened. Heaven’s bliss was replaced by excruciating pain and emotional turmoil. With the support and prayers of his beloved Eva, their three kids and friends near and far, Don clings to his faith in God and fights to regain a semblance of his previous life. The Piper family’s incredible true story of perseverance and overcoming the challenges of life—and death—will bring hope and encouragement to all who see it."

Starring Hayden Christensen and Kate Bosworth, 90 MINUTES IN HEAVEN is based on the inspiring New York Times best-selling book that has sold 7 million copies. In theaters everywhere this fall, Hope Lives!

Charitable giving is very important to me and Giving Films is passionate about "sharing hope-filled movies and donating ALL of their profits to charities and ministries who serve those in need". In a generous move, starting with their first major motion picture, 90 Minutes In Heaven, Giving Films is giving each one of us the opportunity to become involved by making a difference. Anytime you support a Giving Films movie in theaters, visit http://www.givingfilms.com and select the charities you choose to receive the profits from the purchase of your ticket. Included in their charitable organizations are Christian Alliance for Orphans, Faith Bridge Foster Care, Hire Heroes USA, Hope International, LifeWater, Street Grace, and World Vision.

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