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They Serve Bagels in Heaven Serves a True Story of Experiences and Explanations

"I'm going to die today." My guess is that I was about 10 years old, outside playing with my sister, when I clearly heard these words. I remember that I just stopped everything. I remember that I was very confused, not understanding if I had just heard those words or thought them to myself. As I looked in the distance, I remember seeing the sun's rays visible as they beamed from a parting in the clouds. In my mind, the speaker of those words was clearly ascending into the golden light of Heaven. I was right. Our phone delivered the news that my newborn cousin, that I had never even had the opportunity to visit yet, had just passed away. I remember that day with clarity, while I'm unable to explain what I remember. 

Discussions pertaining to experiencing supernatural occurrences bring about mixed reactions from both believers and skeptics. Many believe that in death, all connections to our past life are only evidenced as memories. After crossing over, their is a contrasting belief system finding spiritual connections with loved ones continues after their transitioning into the afterlife.

Irene Weinberg delivers the loving, laughter-filled story of her true life experiences following the tragic loss of her husband, Saul in They Serve Bagels in Heaven - One Couple's Story of Love, Eternity, and the Cosmic Importance of Everyday Life. A truly touching tribute to an undying relationship, the sincere and conversational tone of her spiritual journey and witty writing style give life to the strength of bonds created through lifetimes of learning and loving. A delightful read for gaining insight and explanations into our complex connections with loved ones here and beyond.

"They Serve Bagels in Heaven One Couple’s Story of Love, Eternity, and the Cosmic Importance of Everyday Life is based on the true life story of Irene Weinberg, whose husband Saul died next to her in a tragic car accident. The amazing messages Irene received before, during and after the accident contained a Directive from Heaven, opening her to a profound Spiritual Awakening that took Irene on a healing journey from devastating loss to a renewed sense of inner strength, spiritual wisdom and passion for life. After reading this funny, touching and inspiring eternal love story, you will gain comfort, solace and wisdom from its healing messages about love, crossing over, past lives, what heaven does about evil, soul mates, healing both in heaven and on Earth and more. You will surely both laugh out loud and weep when you read this earthy, humorous and magical story. As THEY SERVE BAGELS IN HEAVEN embraces you, it will change your perceptions about today and give you hope for tomorrow. A healing salve for your soul!"

They Serve Bagels in Heaven - One Couple's Story of Love, Eternity, and the Cosmic Importance of Everyday Life begins with the amazing messages Irene Weinberg received from heaven during the tragic car accident that took her husband Saul’s life. Irene resides in Northern New Jersey, where she oversees business interests. She is a mother, a stepmother and a grandmother.

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