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Understood Supports Students as Free Online Resource for Learning and Attention Challenges

My "Mommy Mantra" to my kids, (which I am sure they mimic in an annoying mother voice in their heads), is this- "We give you everything that you need to succeed in life. It's your choice to take advantage of the opportunity or to let the opportunity pass right by you." A sad reality is that not every child is given everything that they need to succeed. Life's scales are often unbalanced, especially for our students facing educational challenges. To enable parents and families with the resources and information to Understood is starting a movement. "Because understanding is everything."

Understood Supports Students as Free Online Resource for Learning & Attention Challenges

With an expansive assortment of educational resources, Understood addresses the struggles of students beginning in Preschool through after High School. The areas of need addressed are Reading, Math, Writing, Attention, Hyperactivity/Impulsivity, Organiztion, Planning, Time Management, Spoken Language, Social Skills, and Motor Skills. In addition, parents are able to find support and advice from a secure online community of parents, educators and professionals.

About Understood

"Parents want the best for their children. We do, too. For the first time ever, 15 nonprofit organizations have joined forces to support parents of the one in five children with learning and attention issues throughout their journey.
With the right support, parents can help children unlock their strengths and reach their full potential. With state-of-the-art technology, personalized resources, free daily access to experts, a secure online community, practical tips and more, Understood aims to be that support."

"Knowing that parents have busy lives, we designed Understood to work equally well on computer, tablet and smartphone, using the best techniques for people with learning and attention issues. The end result is what you see today: an innovative digital resource where parents can come to understand and feel understood."

The Understood Mission

Our goal is to help the millions of parents whose children, ages 3–20, are struggling with learning and attention issues. We want to empower them to understand their children’s issues and relate to their experiences. With this knowledge, parents can make effective choices that propel their children from simply coping to truly thriving.
This journey can pose challenges, though. That’s where Understood comes in. Understood aims to give parents a direct path to the support they need most to make them feel more confident and capable, less frustrated and alone:
  • We promise well-researched, practical information that’s easy to apply to everyday life.
  • We promise daily access to expert advice that’s free of charge, clearly communicated and never influenced by commercial interests.
  • We promise a secure community where parents can trade tips and experiences with other parents like them.
  • We promise to help parents recognize and develop their children's strengths—and to address their challenges.
  • We promise to share resources and tips to help parents work constructively with schools, professionals and others in their community.
  • We promise to respect parents’ privacy and their knowledge of what’s best for their children and family.
  • We promise to listen to feedback and use it so that we can continue to make Understood better and better.
By fulfilling these promises, we believe we can help parents achieve successes, large and small, that fuel their child’s progress.

How Can YOU Help?

Students and families need your help. Let's share the word to help balance the learning opportunities for all students.

For More Information Visit- understood.org
