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Meet the Delightful New York City Characters of The Central Park Tales

Bedtime stories are a given in our home. While the littlest one still enjoys fun characters and classic fairy tales, the older two are more confined to the stories of their class syllabus. My toddler and I are currently reading the sweet stories of The Central Park Tales before bedtime. The Central Park Tales, written by Marcus Meester is a charming little children's chapter book sharing classic tales about the adventures of the lovable animals that live in New York City's Central Park. 

Let's meet the delightful New York City characters of The Central Park Tales.

Doctor B

Doctor B, short for Doctor Beggar, is Mother Dog's eldest son and Mister Pup's big brother. He's the foodie- loving good food and often planning to sniff some out. 

Mister Pup

Mister Pup is Mother Dog's younger son, also younger brother to Doctor B. Mister B hasn't learned to talk yet (because he always has his ball in his mouth), however, he always manages to make himself understood.

Mother Dog

Mother Dog is genuinely loving and welcoming, with her door always open. Her ability to organize things to go smoothly is sometimes difficult with her sons getting into mischief and all of the unusual things that happening all around her.

The Shy Dog

The Shy Dog comes across Doctor B and Mister Pup one day while in the park. He hid and would not come close to anyone, until he fell into the water and has to accept a helping hand.

Mousekin is Father and Mother Mouse's young daughter, living with her parents in a beautiful round house next to Striped Tail Raccoon. Mousekin enjoys listening to the exciting stories told by Uncle Mouse about his globetrotting adventures and dreams of becoming a ballerina.

Father Mouse & Mother Mouse

Father Mouse and Mother Mouse are Mousekin's loving parents.
Father Mouse is wonderful at telling bedtime stories. Mother Mouse bakes the absolute best pies in the park. 

Uncle Mouse 
Uncle Mouse is Father Mouse's brother and a world traveler, sharing his exciting stories about his adventures, which Mousekin loves. 


Duck is a fun and friendly, she enjoys playing with her friends. She enjoys joking and laughing, and is also quick to stand up for animals in trouble.


Frog is a bold and imaginative. He sometimes gets scared or feels sad, however, his friends are around to help to cheer him up.

Striped Tail Raccoon

Striped Tail Raccoon loves quiet and just wants to be left alone.
He decides to move into his quiet basement, even there, adventure comes knocking at his door.

 Squirrel is very wise and lives in his self-built treehouse. His friends don't always appreciate his wisdom, but when the other animals don't listen to him, they often find themselves in trouble.

Miss Virginia

Miss Virginia is a teacher at the Dog School, where she teaches Doctor B and Mister Pup- they attend. Virginia is an opossom, known to lie on the ground and play dead when she's afraid of something.

The Central Park Tales is available for purchase bookstores, libraries and novelty retailers through the wholesale networks Ingram, Baker & Taylor, NACSCORP, Bookazine, BPDI Corp. It is also available at online bookstores such as Amazon.

Amazon (for Kindle)
Barnes & Noble (for NOOK)

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