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My Life- Saving Money and Creative Solutions with Scott® and Sam's Club®

Be prepared. I'm almost positive that this is the motto for the Boy Scouts, yet my son is notorious for living life by just going with the flow. Preparations are best when left to others, namely mom. Creative and resourceful, I am always up for a challenge in my life, yet a little extra help would be very much appreciated. We are thankful that we can get a little extra help preparing and saving money for our family by buying the essentials and family favorites in bulk from Sam's Club®. The benefits of having a supply eliminates the instances where I am called upon to come up with last minute solutions, for example that lovely morning we discovered that we were out of bread for my son to prepare his lunch for school. What do you think was my ingenious lunch idea?

Thank you to Scott® Tissue from Sam's Club® for sponsoring today’s post and inspiring me to try Scott® 1000 Bath Tissue to #get100extra!

We have come to develop a true appreciation for my gift of repurposing this for that to keep the peace within our home. However, somethings are just not up for discussion and there is no acceptable substitute for bathroom tissue. It has come to be expected that the Scott® 1000 Bonus Pack of bathroom Tissue from Sam’s Club® will be purchased and everyone is prepared to keep count of all of the extra rolls. My family draws the line with my creative solution for bathroom supplies.

Scott® 1000 Bathroom Tissue has big news. Their long-lasting rolls now lasts even longer! Get an additional 100 sheets on every roll at Sam's Club®. That’s more of the quality performance you love at the value that you’ve come to expect. 

Scott® 1000 Bonus Pack is available online and in select Sam's Clubs®. 

The Scott® 1100 Bonus Pack offers our family (and yours, too!)

* 100 Extra Sheets per Roll. (In select clubs and online)
* 36 Rolls per Pack
* Long Lasting Value
* It’s Like Getting 3 Extra Rolls!
* Septic Safe

As a thrifty family, Sam’s Club® membership is very cost effective for our lifestyle. The price of membership more than pays for itself with all of the exclusive savings on the essential items that you need, the favorites that you love and so much more.

I may be a little late, but I just found out about Ibotta, a great app for saving money. With all of the shopping that I do, any and every chance for extra savings is money in the bank. Here's how to get a little extra with even more savings, while supplies last- download the free Ibotta app to earn $5 off Scott® 1000 Bonus Pack at Sam’s Club®.

Follow these instructions to save $5.00 with the free Ibotta App-

1. Under Grocery, Find Sam’s Club

2. Find Scott® 1000 $5.00 Offer

3. Unlock Rebate

4. Purchase Scott® 1000 Bonus Pack at Sam’s Club

5. Scan Receipt and Upload to Ibotta

6. Earn $5.00

In case you were wondering, what happened on that lovely morning we discovered that we were out of bread for my son to prepare his lunch for school. My ingenious lunch idea solution was the incredibly delectable, and oh so... crisp, peanut butter and jelly matzoh sandwich. Yes, true story, it really happened, my life.

As the owner of this blog, niecyisms and nestlings, I am compensated to provide my opinion on products, services, websites and various other topics. This blog may contain affiliate links. Even though, as the writer/owner of this blog receiving compensation for posts or advertisements, I will always give my honest opinions, findings, beliefs or experiences on those topics or products. This blog abides by word of mouth marketing standards. I believe in the honesty of relationship, opinion and identity. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely my own. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider or party in question.
