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Prepare an Emergency Preparedness Supplies Kit Plan Today #Printable

What actions have you taken to prepare the necessary provisions needed in the event of an emergency? Climatic natural disasters and life altering tragedies know no boundaries or limits, any one of us can find ourselves, our families, our friends in a situation requiring an emergency preparedness plan. Living in a rural area, our family has come to value my above and beyond preparations and our "Bug Out Bag", "To Go Bag" or your emergency supplies kit. However these essentials are referred to, the goal is the same- to have access to a well stocked emergency supplies kit that can be used to maintain at home or to evacuate with depending on circumstances.

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Prepare an Emergency Preparedness Supplies Kit Plan Today 

Rural life has introduced our family to countless power outages, flash flooding and has made us believers in the word "snowmageddon". Based on my first aid training as an educator, we have always maintained a properly prepared first aid kit and progressed to keep an easily accessible hiker-style backpack filled with our emergency supplies. The basic items that should be included are water, food with a manual can opener, a first aid kit, clothing, flashlights and radio with batteries, tools and supplies and any other essential items. A similar, smaller emergency preparedness kit should be safely stored in your car. Remember to check your kit regularly to restock any used or expired items. The Pillowcase Project and Disney offer useful advice on helping to prepare kids to best handle emergencies.

The American Red Cross- Be Red Cross Ready Checklist

- I know what emergencies or disasters are most likely to occur in my community.

- I have a family disaster plan and have practiced it.

- At least one member of my household is trained in first aid and CPR/AED.

- I have taken action to help my community prepare.

Click Here for your free printable 11 Point Preparedness Plan.

Here is a helpful guideline featuring some of the essential items to be included in your personal emergency preparedness supplies kit. 

Water - one gallon per person per day 
(evacuation- 3-day supply/shelter-in-place- 2-week supply)
Food - non-perishable, easy-to-prepare items 
(3-day supply for evacuation, 2-week supply for home)
Flashlight with Extra Batteries
Battery-Powered or Hand-Crank Radio
First Aid Kit

Antibacterial Gel or Wipes
- Medications
(7-day supply) and Medical Items
Multi-Purpose Tool
Sanitation and Personal Hygiene Items

- Copies of Personal Documents (sealed in plastic bag)
(medication list and pertinent medical information, proof of address, deed/lease to home, passports, birth certificates, insurance policies)
- Cell Phone with Charger
- Family and Emergency Contact Information
- Emergency Cash
Emergency Blanket
- Area Map - (evacuation details)
- Medical Supplies (hearing aids with extra batteries, glasses, contact lenses, syringes, etc.)
- Baby Supplies (bottles, formula, baby food, diapers)
- Games and Activities for Children
- Pet Supplies - 
(collar, leash, ID, food, carrier, bowl)
- AM/FM Radio
- Extra Set of Car/House Keys
Manual Can Opener

Surgical/Dust Masks
Rain Gear
- Towels
- Work Gloves
- Tools/Supplies 
- Extra Clothing, Hats, and Sturdy Shoes
Plastic Sheeting
Duct Tape
Household Bleach
- Entertainment Items
- Blankets or Sleeping Bags

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