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Maternity Style Trend- Fashion, Freedom and Function with BellyCoat

Having experienced the marvels of pregnancy three times, I can say with confidence, the one constant to expect is change. Our bodies, emotions, needs, wants, and style will constantly change during the course of a pregnancy, and for some time afterward as well. Addressing the needs of the mom-to-be, a new maternity trend is offering fashion, freedom and function in an incredibly versatile and convenient, stylish product. Allowing expecting moms the comfort and convenience of extending the sizing and selections of her wardrobe, BellyCoat is an affordable jacket extender and extension option for maximizing both comfort and convenience with style.

Thank you to the team from BellyCoat for sponsoring this post with a promotional sample for the purpose of facilitating this advertorial.

"Expect to be fashionable. Extend your style." - BellyCoat

The BellyCoat is an innovative concept, designed in response to the limited options available from the current maternity zip-in jacket extenders on the market. Offering expectant mothers a more versatile outerwear selection, BellyCoat is interchangeably worn with any variety of coats or jackets, eliminating the need for the purchase of dedicated maternity outerwear. Standing out as a unique product, BellyCoat features an additional extension panel insert that is zipped into the 2-panel extender to provide continued protection and coverage during pregnancy and into baby-wearing stages.

Attaching BellyCoat is a simple process, as it is easily clipped onto the existing zipper rail of a coat or jacket, however, it also easily attaches to a jacket without a zipper, secured with multiple attachment clips along the edge. With a wind and water resistant shell covering the soft, warm fleece lining, the extender fits snugly with ample coverage, preventing air from entering between the jacket and the extender. Converting to a chic, baby-wearing cover requires a basic top-bottom switch of BellyCoat to also accommodate wearing an infant in a baby carrier.

Exclusive Features of BellyCoat Jacket Extender

- Interchangeable with Coats or Jackets
- Easy-to-Use Double Zipper Design
- No Additional Zipper Adapters
- Attaches to Any Outerwear Styles
- Attaches to Any Outerwear Lengths
- Top-Bottom Switch Conversion from Pregnancy to Baby-Wearing

Visit BellyCoat for purchasing and additional product information.

I was compensated with a BellyCoat for the purpose of facilitating this advertorial. As the owner of this blog, niecyisms and nestlings, I am compensated to provide my opinion on products, services, websites and various other topics. This blog may contain affiliate links. Even though, as the writer/owner of this blog receiving compensation for posts or advertisements, I will always give my honest opinions, findings, beliefs or experiences on those topics or products. This blog abides by word of mouth marketing standards. I believe in the honesty of relationship, opinion and identity. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely my own. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider or party in question.  
