Featured Editorial

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Celebs Jane Lynch and Matthew Morrison Spritz 'n Sing Away the #12Stinks of Christmas

Fa-La-La-La-Phew! Let's be real. Sometimes celebrating the holidays stinks. I really love the holidays and fun times with family and friends. However, good food, folks and fun can have a downside, and it stinks! Febreze has reinvented the classic holiday tune, “The 12 Days of Christmas,” to showcase the stinks of the season and how to stay guest ready, with the debut of “The #12Stinks of Christmas” starring the hilarious duo, Jane Lynch and Matthew Morrison and a special cameo from Doug the Pug.

Thank you to the Cranberry Cheer and Jolly Pine scented team from Febreze for the invitation to attend the #12Stinks music video premier for the purpose of facilitating this informative advertorial.
Each year, I am faced with the same dilemma. Should I Febreze anything and everything like I've lost all control or do I ration out the sprays to last throughout the year. It always starts out well, with a morning spritz here, a mid-day sprtitz there, and then the family comes home and its everywhere a spritz, spritz! That's where it gets a little cloudy, sometime literally. Febreze contains proprietary malodor elimination technologies, enabling its products to have the ability to truly eliminate odors and replace them with the light, fresh, limited edition, holiday scents of Jolly Pine and Cranberry Cheer.

“Sure, it’s always great to see family; it’s great to walk into a kitchen and smell a pie in the oven,” said actress Jane Lynch. “But when the turkey’s burning and your bathroom is seeing a lot of foot traffic from party guests, it hits you: the holidays stink! And, Febreze is a great solution to eliminate odors and stay guest ready.”

“It is so amazing to work with Jane again. We always have such an amazing time together, and recording this holiday duet for Febreze was no exception,” said Matthew Morrison. “Hopefully our song will teach a few hosts and hostesses how to survive the many guests they have during the holidays. Febreze will get you through it!”
“The #12Stinks of Christmas,” will be available all season long on Febreze’s YouTube channel: https://youtu.be/KFQjp43NW_8. Look for the special cameo appearance by the world-famous, four-legged social media star @ItsDougThePug.

Sing-A-long with the lyrics to "The #12Stinks of Christmas"

12 Teens-A-Gaming

11 Guests, One Bathroom

10 Casseroles Lingering

9 Hours of Road Trips

8 Uncles Belching

7 Piles of Dishes

6 Geese-A-Laying

5 Burnt Turkeys

4 Pugs-A-Stinking

3 Musty Stockings

2 Smelly Cats

1 Ugly Sweater from 1993

Febreze can eliminate unpleasant odors with festive products  such as- Air Effects (Jolly Pine and Cranberry Cheer), Car Vent Clips (Jolly Pine and Cranberry Cheer) and Fabric Refresher (Cranberry Cheer).  

Visit Febreze or more information about product availability.
