Featured Editorial

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Here is Your Reason and Permission to Lose the Cape- Forever!

 I honestly am wearing my cape as I am writing my review of the hilarious, new,  parent must-read, Lose the Cape! Never Will I Ever (and then I had kids!) Yes, welcome to my world. It's really a loving, twisted, laugh-until-you-cry-and-cry-and-cry kinda happy place. A place where I would not even have a cape, if it weren't for my kids (and Oriental Trading Co.) It's a place where I also would never know the satisfaction of snuggling up in that same cape reveling on our blessed mess of a wonderful life. 

Thank you to the dynamic Lose The Cape Team for sponsoring this post with an Advanced Reader Copy of Lose the Cape! Never Will I Ever (and then I had kids!) for the purpose of facilitating this review.

"Most of us had grandiose ideas of what we would be like as parents; what we would allow our children to do and all those things we would never allow our children to do. Yet, the moment those little bundles of joy entered our lives, reality took over. Soon enough, we realized that before children, we knew nothing about being parents."

Comical, confessional, and clever, Never Will I Ever is a charming collection of essays written by a assemblage of mothers and one brave and bold dad, sharing stories of their personal parenting experiences lending to the realization that once children, our children step on to the scene, we can never say never. With a "let's just come clean about this" tone, the antics and episodes will certainly feel very familiar to so many of us parents donning our Super Parent capes each day. 

I know that I have certainly been there and done that. What did you swear you would never do as a parent?  Believe me, we've all been there, and now 31 honest parents reveal their own "keeping it real moments," in Lose The Cape - Never Will I Ever... (and then I had kids!) Take a moment to support and encourage these parents in this hilarious new read!

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About the Editors

Alexa Bigwarfe is a freelance writer, wife, and mother of three children and a dog. In addition to raising her children, managing her home, and writing, Alexa’s heart is in advocacy and raising funds to support nonprofit organizations involved with infant, children and women’s issues. Alexa launched her writing with her personal blog No Holding Back, (katbiggie.com). Here she chronicles topics including health and wellness, living with autoimmune diseases, and most importantly, her grief after the loss of one of her twin daughters to complications from Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome (TTTS). Alexa took the experience from that painful life event and channeled it into a compilation book for grieving mothers entitled Sunshine After the Storm: A Survival Guide for the Grieving Mother. She has also been published in two anthologies, The Mother of All Meltdowns and The HerStories Project. Alexa enjoys writing articles about parenting and children’s health and wellness topics for regional parenting publications and online magazines. In her “spare” time, you can find Alexa enjoying time with her girlfriends or hiding in her closet for some “alone” time. Find her at www.katbiggie.com.

Kerry Rivera is a full-time working mom of three kids with a to-do list that stretches to “infinity and beyond.” Between a demanding corporate gig, the nightly homework and kids’ activities, and managing a household with her full-time working husband, she blogs about the “juggle” at BreadwinningMama.com. Her career journey started in the newsroom trenches and has since transitioned to working for one of the largest global automotive companies. She additionally writes for corporations, government agencies and brands in her “spare” time, and especially enjoys sharing the joys of modern parenthood around the web. Her love for content creation is only trumped by her love for content consumption. Her Kindle and nightstand are equally full, and a stack of magazines can be found in every room of the house. As a Southern California native, she takes advantage of the outdoors, enjoying both the beaches and mountains with family and friends, and loves to caffeinate with Starbucks Refreshers and Coke. She aspires to perfect a handstand in yoga, but is still working on touching her toes. Find her at www.breadwinningmama.com.

Contributing Authors

Leighann Adams 

Nadia Ali 
Julia Arnold 
Andrea Bates
Nichole Cancellare 
Allison Barrett Carter
E. R. Catalano
Jennifer Collins
Crystal Cook
Victoria Fedden
Miranda Gargasz
April Grant 
Sasha Gray
Michelle Grewe
Andrea Isiminger 
Karen Johnson
Michelle Kellogg
Kristi Koumentakos
Jeanine Lebsack
Lisa René LeClair
Elly Lonon
Melodic Rose
Holly Rust 
Rebecca Einstein Schorr
Tessa Shull
Ali Solomon
Julie Vick
Mandy Waysman
Scott Wallace
Kimberly Zapata

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