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5 Simple Fitness Steps for Maintaining Your Target Weight Loss Goals

Where do you find your motivation to get out of your comfort zone (and your comfy clothes) and into a fitness mindset? Those too-good-to-be-true trendy, results-may-vary, weight loss diets are typically so far from fun that it isn't even funny. Getting in daily time for workouts can feel like a constant hamster wheel grind. Can we have fun, get fit and pass on the hamster wheel, please? Please believe me when I say that I stake no claim to fame as any type of certified fitness professional, I am just trying to enjoy life and make it happen in my skinny jeans, as the mood strikes. 

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5 Simple Fitness Steps for Maintaining 
Your Target Weight Loss Goals

In an evaluation of some of the most successful fitness advice and tips from  both health care professionals and everyday people, just like myself, I can offer a few basic goals that we all can incorporate into our lives and still live out our happily ever afters. Are you ready to set five simple fitness goals to  maintain your target weight loss goals? This is just the beginning. Let's make it happen!

Step 1 - Start your mornings with a healthy breakfast each day.

I honestly thought that enjoying a bowl of wholesome oatmeal for breakfast was just for the kids. I'm not sure why I was so surprised to find out that yes, adults do eat oatmeal and oatmeal is the real deal. Another game changing breakfast choice to try- Greek yogurt, providing protein for an energy boost that will get your day off to a solid start.

Step 2 - Make moves to include at least 1 hour of physical fitness into every day.

Gym memberships are certainly a benefit in maintaining your target weight loss goals, however the expense may not necessarily be in everyone's financial budget. Check your health care insurance for benefits such as health club or gym memberships, enlist an accountability partner for quick workouts or recharge solo with an invigorating power walk.

Step 3 - Monitor and record your body weight, ideally on a weekly basis. 

Do not obsess. I repeat, do not obsess over numbers. The key here is to get an adequate baseline and consistently record your progress toward healthy living. Take baby steps toward reaching your personal SMART goals with Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timely actions. Remember, do not obsess, it's all about the progress!

Step 4 - Maintain consistent dietary choices everyday.

Maintaining our target weight loss goals is part of a multifaceted process. Begin with healthy food choices that will address health conditions such as lowering blood pressure, decreasing cholesterol levels, improving digestion functions, increasing energy levels, and related concerns. A well-rounded, nutritious diet is an important step toward weight management.

Step 5 - Swap out those passive activities for higher impact activities.

Establishing a daily fitness routine is an essential part of achieving wellness, however it's not the only way to hit those targets. Watch those favorite shows on-the-run, move away from the sofa, and run in place, drop it like it's hot and count up squats, crunches and mountain climbers. Make gradual, yet consistent changes to keep it fun, get fit and yes, by all means, pass on that hamster wheel. Remember to keep yourself adequately (and sustainably) hydrated all day long!

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