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Teleflora and The Love Concierge Show #WhatIsLove for Valentine's Day

What is Love? Well, I love this Valentine's Day gamechanger, Teleflora's "Love Note Concierge" is giving us the gift of access to the talents of experts from Teleflora’s “Love Note Concierge,” delivering help with writing the perfect love note expressing #WhatIsLove to those we care about the most.
Each one of Teleflora’s splendid floral bouquets is individually hand-designed and hand-delivered by a local florist, offering a beautiful, personalized gift to adore. Delivering an extra special treat, Teleflora’s Valentine’s Day gift to America is the all-new, free “Love Note Concierge” (1-844-IT-IS-LOVE) available February 3rd – 12th, showing us all #WhatIsLove for Valentine’s Day!

The Love Concierge is like a dream come true. For so many of us, ordering an amazing flower bouquet is the easy part, finding the right words to express our feelings is the difficult part. Here's the best part, thanks to the talented experts of the dream team at Teleflora’s “Love Note Concierge,” writing the perfect love note is so much easier. Get a little help from a skilled coach sharing your feelings with absolutely no charge, no purchase, no excuses, simply the magic of words.

Take a look at Teleflora’s delightful new, sweet and stunning collection of 2016 Valentine’s Day bouquets to make expressing your "one-of-a-kind love" easy and meaningful.

Teleflora’s Pair of Hearts Bouquet 

For your soul mate, the symbolism of these two perfect connecting hearts wrapped around this glistening hand-glazed ceramic vase is the perfect match. Celebrate your Valentine with this gorgeous bouquet filled with red roses, red carnations and white alstroemeria that is ideal for expressing your heartfelt love and appreciation.

Teleflora’s Wrapped with Passion Bouquet 

The ultimate in Valentine’s Day luxury, WOW your love with dramatic long-stemmed roses and fragrant pink stargazer lilies that is gorgeously arranged in a graceful hand blown Italian, art glass-inspired vase with a sparkling, hand-applied glass ribbon. Your thought and emotions are sure to win their heart!

Teleflora’s Lovely Hearts Bouquet

Playful and sweet for mother, daughter or friend, dazzle and delight with this cheerful 2-in-1 floral gift. Cheerful peach, pink and red spray roses bountifully flutter amongst hand-painted watercolor hearts that dance across this oversized food-safe mug that is sure to deliver long-lasting enjoyment.

Teleflora’s Best Friends Forever Bouquet

Share memories, a hug and a smile with your bestie or budding romance with this thoughtful bouquet bursting with stunning red and white roses, miniature carnations, and cushion spray chrysanthemums that is hand-delivered in a glazed ceramic collectible vase with hand-applied heart detail.
