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5 Winning Ways to Make Your Teamwork Dream Work

My grandparents always kept a nightlight lit for their visiting grandkids. It emitted an antiqued amber glow, unparalleled by today's LED lighting spectrum of nightlights. Long before the trending, viral attention of social media's memes and the resultant meme-orabilia monetization, this nightlight was printed with a quote that I read and reread more times than I could ever recall. A small ruler reminded us daily, and nightly of the importance of The Golden Rule - "Treat people the way that you want to be treated." Okay nightlight, so what you're saying is that if I'm nice, everyone nice. Thanks for the trusted light and we'll see about this Golden Rule reality. 

Some people just never had the same nightlight experience of my youth, some people just missed the memo, or some people just scoffed at the kum-ba-ya-ness of the simple message. Such is life. Rallying up a little more campfire spirit, I feel a few rounds of This Little Light of Mine, may be required. Challenge accepted. Let's strategize winning ways to make teamwork dream work.

5 Winning Ways to Make Teamwork Dream Work

Form Your Team

"Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much." 
- Helen Keller

Whether your team is established, being recruited or in need of motivational support, appreciate the value in what each member contributes to the team. Strenghts and weaknesses, checks and balances are all part for the program. Invest in the strengths of your team as a whole, and form a mutually beneficial support network that propels personal accountability for maintaining a high level of committment to the team's success.

Value Positive Input

"Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply."
- Stephen R. Covey

The collective synergy of a group of people has the potential to accomplish so much more than any one of us alone. The willingness to objectively listen to diverse perpsectives can make all of the difference in future accomplishments. It is important to make the decision to be a part of the solution as opposed to being a part of the problem.

Take a Stand

"Stand up for something, or you will fall for anything." 
- Unknown

A guiding principle in affairs can be derived from the simple message of kindness reflected from my grandparents' nightlight. Equity and justice are easily implied from The Golden Rule, "Treat people the way that you want to be treated." Sodexo, a worldwide industry leader in Quality of Life Services, believes that to create value, businesses and society as a whole must make people’s well-being a priority. Take a stand that empowers smart people to make smart decisions for the benefit of the majority.

Make It Happen

"Coming together is a beginning, keeping together is a process, working together is a success."
- Henry Ford

Win, lose, or draw, completing the task-at-hand and expressing recognition of each contributor delivers an empowering source of motivation. Evaluating and gaining an understanding of outstanding performance and team dedication boosts team productivity from start to finish. Studies indicate that team members will make it happen and deliver peak performance when leaders and other members acknowledge and show appreciation for their hard work.

Stay Positive

"Be the change that you want to see in the world."
-Mahatma Ganhdi

Influences from all directions will always be a factor in the performance of your team's performance. Stay positive and take actions for the greater good with confidence based upon informed decisions. Gradually step outside of your comfort zone and motivate those around you to take the leap of faith as well. 

Train your brain to focus on fostering positive outcomes, be kind, treat people as you want to be treated and elimate those feelings of fear, doubt and frustration within yourself and valued support of those team players striving toward the common goal of team success.

Get more information about Sodexo and Quality of Life Services today!

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