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What Happens When You Say #YesToTheMess

"Can I really?"  My son and I seemed to each ask ourselves the same question simultaneously, his question was actually verbalized, my question internalized. Moving forward with a perfect combination of curiosity and creative genius, my four-year old began the privileged task of decorating his own batch of golden brown sugar cookies for our family. Equipped with a plastic knife and a brightly colored frosting and sprinkles assortment, fun had begun. My son excitedly decided which of his personal creations would be made specifically for each member of our household, our cats included. Was our cookie decorating session fun for both of us to enjoy? Absolutely! Was our kitchen in need of big time cleaning after all was said and done? Absolutely! That was the time when I discovered what happens we you say #YesToTheMess.

Thank you to the team from Swiffer for an invitation to attend a #YesToTheMess media event for the purpose of facilitating this advertorial. 

During the course of an average day, parents will often say no to their kids’ requests for certain activities, in opposition to the mess that is sure to follow. As parents, we are all too familiar with our little ones, (and not-so little ones) becoming completely immersed in the exploration of the world around them, unphased by the messiness that is also created. Research from the talented minds of educational professionals gives credit to the fact that these creative and educational moments are instrumental to our children’s future successes.

Here's what happens when we say yes to the mess, as clarified by Swiffer. Messy moments provide essential opportunities for our children to learn and develop their imaginative skills. With useful products from Swiffer close at hand, we’re also able to reinforce the cleaning process, getting our work and play areas real clean, real fast. 

We recently had the pleasure of meeting with acclaimed actress, entrepreneur and mom of two, Sarah Michelle Gellar, at a family-friendly  “Yes to the Mess” event in New York City. My son and I enjoyed engaging in an assortment of hands-on, messy moments centered around educational activities that many parents would usually say “no” to allowing at home. Learning by doing, which is my approach to homeschooling my son, we participated in art and science projects in addition to a little baking.

“I believe that while kids are born with a natural instinct towards creativity – it is still a skill that parents need to continually foster. My two kids work on fine and gross motor skills, math, science, vocabulary and more through baking, and their resulting smiles light up my day,” said Gellar. “That’s why I don’t mind having to clean up the cake batter and crumbs on my floors afterwards. And with Swiffer, I can enjoy saying 'yes' more often because I am able to get a thorough clean in minutes while indulging my kids' sense of discovery and exploration. Not to mention I truly believe creativity is the road to invention.”

Nurturing free-spirited, expressions of creativity and fostering a healthy sense of independence is an important part of our children's growth and development,even in those messy moments. Understanding and learning ways to clean up after experiencing hands-on teachable moments allows kids to become vested in their environment and empowered to handle future situations. 

Now it's your turn to share your own experiences of using messy moments as their #YesToTheMess learning opportunities with @Swiffer.

For more information and to learn more about the Swiffer family of products, visit Swiffer.com or facebook.com/Swiffer.

I have received a promotional Swiffer item for the purpose of facilitating this advertorial. As the owner of this blog, niecyisms and nestlings, I am compensated to provide my opinion on products, services, websites and various other topics. This blog may contain affiliate links. Even though, as the writer/owner of this blog receiving compensation for posts or advertisements, I will always give my honest opinions, findings, beliefs or experiences on those topics or products. This blog abides by word of mouth marketing standards. I believe in the honesty of relationship, opinion and identity. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely my own. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider or party in question.
