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Wisdom and Words to Live By from The Urban Monk

Maybe I speak for myself when I say that I need peace in my life. If you ask my family, all I ask for is peace. Have I achieved that quintessential place of peace? Not. Even. Close. With that being said, my quest for the calm and serenity of peace continues. Let's be real, I'm a wife, mom of a teen, tween, and a tot, the latter of which is homeschooled while I work from home. My faith in peace dwindles by the minute. Then, the universe manifested, The Urban Monk. Cue the sun shining brilliantly through the clouds. Wait a minute. Who exactly is The Urban Monk? Should I respect the wisdom and words of an Urban Monk? Let's just see what this new book is all about.

Apparently, I am The Urban Monk, currently in-the-making, as I follow the teachings of Pedram Shojai, OMD, author of  The Urban Monk: Eastern Wisdom and Modern Hacks to Stop Time and Find Success, Happiness, and Peace. Reading Shojai's #1 New Release on Amazon, I find his real life, eclectic combination of East Meets West philosophies useful for achieving the elusive balance that I desperately need in my life. And, by real life, I mean real talk, no holds barred.

Practical strategies based on a potpourri of ancient wisdom and current life hacks offer a variety of tips and techniques helpful for improving the quality of our relationships with ourselves and our families and friends. The Urban Monk's sage advice benefits our mental and physical well-being for living life high on energy, and low on stress.

Creator of Well.org, Pedram Shojai, OMD is a former monk, reenvisioned as The Urban Monk, helping us to be able to "achieve the centeredness and calm of a Zen master without dropping fast-paced contemporary lifestyles." The Urban Monk is about as authentic as they come, delivering methodology based upon a lifetime of study, those common universal pain points facing us all are addressed and solutions approached in a practical manner for topics including-
Work/Life Balance

Remedying Loneliness


Learning Time Management

Debt Management

Self Love and Self-Image

Getting More Nature

Overriding the Stagnant Lifestyle

Combatting Exhaustion

Dealing with Sleep Issues

Stress and More Stress

The Urban Monk
Eastern Wisdom and Modern Hacks to Stop Time and Find Success, Happiness, and Peace by Pedram Shojai, OMD

We all struggle to discover satisfaction and contentment in the modern world and yet the more technology we use, the more things seem to get worse. What are we all missing? What will it take for us to find our centers? Pedram Shojai shares how the calmness of Zen masters is attainable in today's fast-paced world, and with practice, you too can stop time, refuel, and focus on the things that really matter. The Urban Monk reveals the secrets to finding an open heart, sharp mind, and grounded sense of well-being, even in the most demanding circumstances. Shojai’s no-nonsense life mastery program brings together clear tools and exercises that can elevate your existence. Learn to honor your body with nutrition and shake free from addictions to toxic substances and experiences. Let your body and mind unwind each day with evening meditations, loosening exercises, and resting rituals that will keep any stress or unfinished business out of the bedroom, helping you sleep better so that your body can rejuvenate. Rid your life of chaos.

I have received a copy of The Urban Monk: Eastern Wisdom and Modern Hacks to Stop Time and Find Success, Happiness, and Peace for the purpose of facilitating this advertorial. As the owner of this blog, niecyisms and nestlings, I am compensated to provide my opinion on products, services, websites and various other topics. This blog may contain affiliate links. Even though, as the writer/owner of this blog receiving compensation for posts or advertisements, I will always give my honest opinions, findings, beliefs or experiences on those topics or products. This blog abides by word of mouth marketing standards. I believe in the honesty of relationship, opinion, and identity. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely my own. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider or party in question.
