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Award-Winning Pediatrician Preps Kids for Doctor Check-Ups in New Book

His tears were real and rapidly falling. The mere thought of a doctor's visit was enough to emotionally affect my sensitive four-year-old. My son's anxiety over his annual well-visits to the pediatrician have been an ongoing challenge that we boldly face each year with the help of gentle reminders, reassurances, and a little creative bargaining, okay, bribery. This year as we prepare to celebrate his 5th birthday, we are also preparing for his first day of kindergarten and his first official school check-up. We can do this! We will do this! Help us through this!

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I'm sure many parents find themselves in similar situations. I honestly wrestle with thoughts of the well-prepared, advanced planned appointment versus the let's just arrive and see what the day brings appointment. The fact is that the annual doctor’s visit is one appointment that plenty children and parents struggle with. The anxiety and anticipation before the appointment, the uncertainty about the check-up routine, and, the possibility of needles or shots can become overwhelming. We can do this! We will do this! There's help with this!

Award-winning pediatrician Dr. Chrystal de Freitas or “Dr. Dee” as she is known to her patients, shares her wisdom from 
more than 34 years in practice. Dr. Dee offers families fun tips and advice to prepare kids for more informed check-ups in her new children’s book, Jake’s Kindergarten Checkup, and delightfully illustrated by Tammie Lyon.

Dr. Dee addresses many topics beneficial to kids and parents in Jake's Kindergarten Checkup, The asrea of focus include tips on-

-The steps involved in a pediatric checkup – what kids can expect. 

-How parents can help prepare their child for a doctor visit.

-Techniques to make shots less scary for everyone.

-Ways to ensure a checkup is educational and fun for children. 

-The value of sibling support.

In my son's defense, an exhausted four-year-old would justifiably become emotional as he prepares to go to sleep with visions of Jake's shots dancing in his head. Definitely poor timing on my part. We revisited the story at a more appropriate time, and, so far so good. Our big kindergarten check-up is quickly approaching and we are preparing for the day. Jake's Kindergarten Checkup will be with us for reassurance and, to recommend to another little patient-in-waiting. We can do this! We willdo this! We have help with this!

Dr. Chrystal de Freitas is an author, mother, and pediatrician with a special interest in health education. While Jake’s Kindergarten Checkup is her first picture book, she has authored several other well received books and educational material in her field. Among her honors and achievements, she has been selected by the San Diego County Medical Society and San Diego Magazine as one of the area’s top doctors. 

Learn more about Dr. de Freitas and Jake’s Kindergarten Checkup at JakesKindergartenCheckup.com and connect with the author on Facebook and Twitter.

Jake’s Kindergarten Checkup can be purchased from JakesKindergartenCheckup.com, Amazon and Barnesandnoble.com.

I was compensated with a promotional copy of Jake's Kindergarten Checkup for the purpose of facilitating this review. As the owner of this blog, niecyisms and nestlings, I am compensated to provide my opinion on products, services, websites and various other topics. This blog may contain affiliate links. Even though, as the writer/owner of this blog receiving compensation for posts or advertisements, I will always give my honest opinions, findings, beliefs or experiences on those topics or products. This blog abides by word of mouth marketing standards. I believe in the honesty of relationship, opinion and identity. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely my own. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider or party in question.
