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Travel Destination | Okinawa Japan

Life's Better Together - Party with Your Peeps

I'm known for thinking so outside of the box that often times, no one is certain what to possibly expect from me at any given time. I love that freedom. I take complete inspired freedom in expressing myself as my inner voice speaks to my creative source. When I gather family and friends together, memories will be made. My theory, "Life's better together, party with your peeps." I'm making my list and checking it thrice, (I'm a little excessive!). Watch those inboxes, and get ready to party, our Evite has arrived!

I was compensated by Evite for original #LifesBetterTogether content and social media influences in contributing this advertorial. All content and opinions expressed are my own intellectual property.

Life's Better Together
Party with Your Peeps

Springtime has arrived and this is prime time for our family and friends to lay to rest their winter bundles as we breathe life into a new season and special celebrations. Those innovative creatives at Evite understand that life's better together, and peep my most appropriate selection, Party with Your Peeps! Leading our celebration planning with this witty and fun theme, our first festive occasion of Spring, will bring everyone together for our traditional Easter gathering. 

Setting the tone for the occasion, texting, calling and Skype-ing are not quite in line with my vision. I have decided that Evite is a festive, functional and fun way to share our invitation message and to successfully entertain our nearest and dearest. Offering the well-organized, and not-quite-s0-organized event host a wide variety of free and premium invitations, planning with Evite allows you to choose your favorite selection or design your own with custom photos and images. 

It has to be a mutually agreed upon fact that the party starts with the much-anticipated delivery of the event's invitation or card to your peeps. Reflecting back, I discovered some of those special moments that we shared with old friends, new friends and of course, our family with Evite.

You are invited to be on the scene, 
Mini Me's Sweet 16

No more dolls, ponytails & toys,
Here comes driving, parties, and boys!
Lunch date At The Reef with you, 
Please arrive prompt, the party starts at Two!

Party! Let's get together and have lots of fun, 
Music, games and good times 'til we're done!
Hope to see you at the party as we celebrate
Please RSVP soon, The Kid can't wait! : )

Life's Better Together
Party with Your Peeps

These were just a few of our finer moments, not to mention some of the dazzling Evite invitations that our family has received, as well. Take a look at the creative talents of the Evite team or show your talents by creating your custom made Evite. If I have inspired you to party with your peeps check out the selection of  Evite Easter Cards.

Life's Better Together - Party with Your Peeps

I was compensated by Evite in partnership for creating this sponsored #LifesBetterTogether content. 
As the owner of the site, niecyisms and nestlings, I am compensated to provide my opinion on products, services, websites and various other topics. This site may contain affiliate links. Even though, as the writer/owner of this site receiving compensation for posts or advertisements, I will always give my honest opinions, findings, beliefs or experiences on those topics or products. This site abides by word of mouth marketing standards. I believe in the honesty of relationship, opinion, and identity. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely my own. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider or party in question.
