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Hands-On Science with MARVEL Guardians of the Galaxy Grow and Glow Groot

Roses, Tulips, and Begonias. Oh, my! My boys just fail to appreciate the value in planting and growing a garden of beautiful, fragrant flowers. As a homeschooling mom, I spend a great deal of time finding the most creative and innovative hands-on ways to demonstrate essential educational experiences. We took advantage of the boys' interests and a little hands-on science fun with the MARVEL Guardians of the Galaxy Grow and Glow Groot. Enjoying the opportunity to take learning outdoors, we had an amazing experience planting seeds and growing sprouts that are far more exciting than picking posies.

Thank you to the cool team from Uncle Milton's Toys for sponsoring this post with a promotional item for the purpose of faciltating this advertorial.

Hands-On Fun with 
MARVEL Guardians of the Galaxy 
Grow and Glow Groot

Please believe me when I say that I, by no means have the gift of the elusive "green thumb". We definitely make a conscious effort to go with beginner level, just the basics, simple solutions when it comes to plants and gardening. Honestly, the boys were super excited with the Groot plant base alone, it looks so authentic! With just a little advance preparation, we had an actual growing Groot plant happening right before our eyes.

Create and grow your very own Groot plant using real sprout and vine seeds! Learn how to grow two different kinds of plants. Then, turn off the lights and watch as Groot glows in the dark. Includes packet with real seeds and beans for sprouting.

The MARVEL Guardians of the Galaxy - Secret Tech Labs - Grow and Glow Groot comes with an awesome Groot plant base, a packet of seeds and beans, a soil tablet, a science learning poster and an instruction manual. That's how simple it is to start growing your own Groot. As I briefly mentioned, a little preparation is required before planting the enclosed seed packet. Here's how we began working on our little Homeschool Happenings science project.

Prior to being planted the seeds and beans from the packet are to be soaked in cool water for ten hours. Basically, we bagen prepping the night before allowing the seeds to soak overnight. The condensed soil packet will need to be soaked in water as well, however, it rehydrates quickly and is verf fun to see as it happens. This is were we rolled up our sleeves to get a little hands-on. We loosened the soil with a plastic fork and worked on getting the soil softened and separated to add into the Groot plant base.

As indicated on the packaging and instruction manual, the MARVEL Guardians of the Galaxy Grow and Glow Groot is recommended for kids from 6 years old and up, as there are small parts, (seeds and beans) that are an actual choking hazard for children, espacially under 3 years of age. Adult assistance and supervision is recommended with this activity.

We filled up our plant base to about one inch from the top, then we planted the pole beans about an inch deep into the soil and scattered the sprouting wheat seeds over the dampened soil. Soil that appears to be light brown in color may need a little extra water, being careful not to over water the plant. 

We placed our groot near the window sill allowing ample sunlight and were suer excited to see the first sprouts appearing just two days after planting. We noticed a lot more of the seeds were growing before we saw the bean sprouts.  Our initial plans to wrap the beans around Groot after strategically planting the beans close to the Groot figure were abandoned after the cats knocked over the plant, spilling seeds, beans, and soil everywhere. 

"I am Groot." 

Free flowing and growing after three weeks our Groot plant is ready to be transitioned into a larger pot.

Visit Uncle Milton's Toys to purchase the MARVEL Guardians of the Galaxy Grow and Glow Groot and other educational and entertaining products.

I was compensated with a promotional item from Uncle Milton's Toys for the purpose of facilitating this coverage. As the owner of this blog, niecyisms and nestlings, I am compensated to provide my opinion on products, services, websites and various other topics. This blog may contain affiliate links. Even though, as the writer/owner of this blog receiving compensation for posts or advertisements, I will always give my honest opinions, findings, beliefs or experiences on those topics or products. This blog abides by word of mouth marketing standards. I believe in the honesty of relationship, opinion and identity. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely my own. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider or party in question.
