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Observances of Motherhood in Focus and Perspective #NoFilter

Filters have become my friend. Through the perspective of a filter, I have the ability to manipulate an image of myself. I can hide, shine, cover, emphasize and enhance the way I which I see and am seen. Imagine relinquishing the ability to filter yourself. Imagine inviting someone into your innermost sanctum and exposing your valor and vulnerability. Imagine the opportunity to reveal observances of motherhood in focus and perspective. Acclaimed Family Documentary Photographer Ahna Tessler and Disney's Babble recently expose 23 single mothers from New York along with their families in an unfiltered, moving collection entitled Motherhood in Focus.

Observances of Motherhood in Focus and Perspective #NoFilter

"I wanted to give these women something to smile about. I wanted to give them the memories they so deserve. Capturing images from their lives with their children, who they work so hard for, would be a truly memorable experience. I wanted to offer my services, free of charge, in communities where mothers are warriors for their children. So, I teamed up with Disney's Babble.com and Shutterfly to create Motherhood in Focus. This project allowed me to take photos of these families and print out photo books for them in time for Mother's Day. Twenty-three families allowed me into their homes to capture the most intimate moments of their days. These women and children are beyond remarkable, to say the least. This was way more than just a photography project, these families have taught ME what it means to be a better mother. It's been a life-changing experience and I hope to do this every mother's day in the future."                 - Ahna Tessler, Photographer

Photo Credit; Ahna Tessler for Babble.com

Brilliant lights within the energetic NYC atmosphere of the Helen Mills Exhibit Space set the scene for the unveiling of Tessler's stunning exhibition. Timed for a debut in celebration of Mother's Day, following the exclusive privilege of being invited into the homes of 23 amazingly candid moms from the New York City area, Ahna Tessler vividly captured priceless moments of motherhood. 

Gathering for the unveiling, smiles were the style of the day as Babble hosted a celebratory event in their honor to unveil the series and gift each mother with a full album of their photos. Each of the honored mothers is individually featured on Babble with a treasured image from their Motherhood in Focus tribute. 

Follow along and share in the #MotherhoodinFocus conversation.

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