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Stories of Love in Silver and Stone

Are you a storyteller? Asking such a question evokes memories of my sister and I declaring the other as being a storyteller (we were not allowed to use the word liar) as we stood in defense of some major offense committed in our home. My question stems from a personal interest in sharing the value of treasured objects or moments with family and friends. How often do you come across an item and become overwhelmed with sentimental feelings? Too often I find myself nostalgic over a long forgotten book, one of the kid's drawings, an heirloom ring adored from within my jewelry box rather than worn on my finger. Certainly, I am a storyteller, with stories of love in silver and stone.

Stories of Love in Silver and Stone

Delicate and precious, in a small, black velveteen bag, my dainty filigree silver ring with the shiny black onyx stone is carefully tucked away. Easily overlooked, surrounded by a glittering, shimmering array of gems, beads and baubles, this heirloom stands as the most invaluable piece in my collection, despite the most qualified jeweler's fair market value appraisal.

Heirloom jewelry is considered to be any valued piece of jewelry that has been passed down within a family for generations. My cherished ring was originally the property of my grandmother, my Nana. As a little girl, I can remember the many occasions where I sat in front of Nana's bedroom vanity admiring her jewelry. Undeniably a fashionista before she or I even knew the meaning of the word, my grandmother's closet and her jewelry box were impressive, to say the least.

Seemingly out of place sitting beside the dazzling diamonds and large, exquisite pieces of jewelry, her silver and onyx ring was my personal favorite, even as a child. Jewelry finds worth based upon such standards as its retail value, quality of craftsmanship and aesthetic merit, among other criteria. I loved this small silver ring simply because it was the best fit for my tiny finger. It seemed as if this ring was awaiting the time when my finger would fit perfectly, almost as much I dreamed of the day.

Family heirlooms gain value from their connections to the past, connections to your family's legacies. Looking into 
a person's jewelry box unveils the treasures of their most prized possessions, most extravagant investments, or most sentimental pieces. Every piece of jewelry has a story share through beloved collections of silver, stone and precious gems. Invaluable has an entire section of jewelry featuring exquisite antiques and precisely crafted pieces of family heirloom potential. When considering jewelry as a gift or as an addition to your personal collection, telling this story may very well embody the sentimental value of becoming a family heirloom.

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