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The Little Berry Doing Big Things for Breast Cancer Awareness

When a berry is recognized by a world-renowned physician and celebrity personality, this little berry must be doing big things. The Sea Buckthorn Berry, also known as Dr. Oz’s “Miracle Berry” is a power-packed super fruit. Here is one of the big things that this super fruit is helping SeabuckWonders’ Sea Buckthorn Berry products to make happen during Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

Thank you to the team from SeabuckWonders for providing the promotional content for this informative advertorial.

The Little Berry Doing Big Things 
for Breast Cancer Awareness

If you aren't familiar with the Sea Buckthorn Berry, check out these nutritional facts-

Sea Buckthorn Berry has over 190 phyto-nutrients and fatty acids (Omegas- 3, 6, 9 and the rare Omega-7) that help protect against many diseases, including Breast Cancer.

Sea Buckthorn Berry provides soothing relief to many Breast Cancer patients using Sea Buckthorn products to reduce negative effects of chemotherapy and radiation treatments. Check out Kere’s Story of surviving Breast Cancer and her personal benefits from SeabuckWonders’ Sea Buckthorn products.

SeabuckWonders is the original Sea Buckthorn Berry company providing maximum potency Sea Buckthorn Berry products for over twenty years. Many Breast Cancer patients have benefited from these natural, Non-GMO Project Verified, Cruelty-Free products. 

During October, SeabuckWonders is donating a portion of all sales to the National Breast Cancer Foundation as their contribution to help research for a cure. Additionally, they are currently offering 10% off ALL products during the month of October with the promotional code- NBCF16

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