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Travel Destination | Okinawa Japan

April Showers Perfect for Baby Showers #MyBabyReveal Sweepstakes

Splish, splash, it's a Baby Reveal Bash! I am so heartbroken that my kids were born pre-trend. I would have certainly have reveled in the parenting highlight moment of having family and friends dangling from our puppet strings for a dramatic baby reveal. If an extraordinary baby reveal is in the works, Evite has launched something special just in time for Spring flowers and April /Baby showers. Have you peek-a-booed the #MyBabyReveal Sweepstakes yet?

April Showers Perfect for Baby Showers #MyBabyReveal Sweepstakes

Evite, the world’s leading digital platform for bringing people together, today launched the #MyBabyReveal Sweepstakes. Together with IKEA, the contest invites people with a baby on the way to share the special way they spilled the beans with loved ones, friends and family. Anyone can upload a photo or video of how they revealed their pregnancy, adoption or baby’s gender for a chance to win a $500 IKEA gift card and custom digital birth announcements from Evite.

For more information and to enter the #MyBabyReveal Sweepstakes, your readers can go to Evite. Hurry! The contest ends on Friday, April 16!
