Seeing the face of the tiny little person that was growing and developing inside of my womb is to truly bear witness to the miracle of life. Each of my children's three birth stories are as uniquely crafted as each of my amazing kids. I can in all sincerity thank my two sons for my newly redesigned pop-up belly button. Yes, I saw the signs and was already planning for my Mommy body makeover before I even waddled in for Labor and Delivery. I googled and googled and created my master plan. My core muscles were about to be toned and tightened like it was nobody's business- as soon as I was medically cleared for exercise following my C-Section and as often as life with a newborn infant would allow. Thus, my introduction to the core facts for the natural prevention and healing Diastsis Recti.
Thank you to Pamela Ellgen and the public relations team for a promotional copy of The Mom's Guide to Diastasis Recti for editorial purposes.
Core Facts for Natural Prevention & Healing
of Diastasis Recti
Diastasis Recti is referred to as a commonly-occurring separation of abdominal muscles often noticed during pregnancy. The diagnosis of Diastasis Recti is often observed in the appearance of a weakened core, changes in body posture, and notably, the post-partum tummy ‘pooch’. Addressing the issue, author Pamela Ellgen has developed a comprehensive exercise regimen helpful in the prevention and treatment of abdominal muscle separation, Mom’s Guide to Diastasis Recti. Providing a comprehensive exercise guide including pertinent information for proactively strengthening core abdominal muscles before, during, and after pregnancy, Ellgen shares more than 50 customizable exercises and detailed step-by-step photos and instructions.
Taking advantage of the Quick Start Guide, I was able to immediately "get in where I fit in" with my core strengthening routine. Mom’s Guide to Diastasis Recti is a four-part program, also offering nutrition health tips and expert wellness advice in an easy to follow, conversational manner. Find out more information and purchasing details for Mom's Guide to Diastasis Recti at local book retailers, and on Amazon (affiliate) today!
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