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Call and Response to the Challenge to Play The Man

Today, I am forming the foundation for my sons to become men of tomorrow. Heaven, help me! Putting into perspective that much of our daily life presently impacts the future of our children, I understand the priceless nature of parenting. The rights and responsibilities of equipping our children to live life to their fullest potential is by nature so much more than any one of us can manage alone. From the author of If, Play The Man, written by New York Times Bestseller, Mark Batterson, addresses the seven virtues of manhood. Are you prepared to answer the call and share your response to the challenge to #PlayTheMan?

Thank you to Mark Batterson and his team for sponsoring this editorial content with a promotional advanced reader copy, as a member of the #PlayTheMan Launch Team.

Call & Response to the Challenge to Play The Man

Life is relentless with the lessons we are called to learn for the sake of personal development. Now, as a lifelong learner, I am informed enough to know there are seven virtues of manhood. Who knew? Author Mark Batterson defines these essential virtues as- tough love, childlike wonder, will power, raw passion, true grit, clear vision, and moral courage in his newly released book, Play The Man

Not one to contribute to the gender divide, Batterson explains how the seven virtues are as applicable to women as they apply to men. Seemingly, there is a greater need for reinforcement of the connection of these virtues for men, and universally, this is just the first step on a rewarding journey. A fitting follow-through to his previous inspirational bestseller, If - Trading Your If Only Regrets for God's What If Possibilities.

"Somewhere along the way, our culture lost its definition of manhood, leaving generations of men and men-to-be confused about their roles, responsibilities, relationships, and the reason God made them men.

It’s into this “no-man’s-land” Mark Batterson brings his inspiring call to something greater, helping men understand what it means to be a man of God. Along the way he shares inspiring stories of manhood, coupling those stories with practical ideas about how to disciple the next generation of men. This is more than a book—it’s a movement of men who will settle for nothing less than fulfilling their highest calling to be the man and the father God has destined them to be."

Witnessing my children as they are each day transforming into the adults they are to become is a most rewarding process. Continually challenging my sons and my daugter to reach their fullest potential in life, the value in establishing a village to raise my trio. The strength of that village appears in many forms, as found within the pages of Play The Man. There are generations of men, young and not-so-young finding value, answering the call, and sharing responses to the challenge to Play The Man, you are officially invited to join and empower the movement.

Find out more about Play The Man and Mark Batterson's other updates at MarkBatterson.com.

Mark Batterson is the New York Times bestselling author of The Circle Maker, The Grave Robber, A Trip around the Sun, and If. He is the lead pastor of National Community Church, one church with eight campuses in Washington, DC. Mark has a doctor of ministry degree from Regent University and lives on Capitol Hill with his wife, Lora, and their three children.

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