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Entrepreneur Teacher Mom and Her Interactive Tech-Free Business

Are you raising a techno-tot? Admittedly, I am the mother of a technology-loving family. My youngest was born into a world filled with apps, gadgets, and devices powered by technology. Periodically, we take a moment in life to go unplugged. Put it all away, or I can take it all away- we all have choices. Finding another mom committed to the fact that there is a time and place for tech time gained my interest. Here's the story of an inventive, entrepreneur, teacher and her interactive, tech-free business.

Thank you to the team from Playroom Prep for sponsoring this content with promotional product for editorial purposes.

Entrepreneur Teacher Mom and Her Interactive Tech-Free Business

The overwhelming influence of too much screen time too soon brings positive and negative effects for our kids. For some kids technology is excellent for entertainment, however, not necessarily the most effective teaching tool to prepare our children for early childhood education. Finding ourselves inundated with educational apps, tablets and programming geared toward our kids, tech-free teaching seems to be a "thing of the past".

Addressing growing concerns from parents and educators, Mary Ann Kemp, a Chicago based-teacher along with her daughter Rosalyn (mother of two small children) created Playroom Prep. Designing an innovative, hands-on, dry-erase, activity book created to foster one-on-one instructional time. Witnessing the fact that many of her students were unprepared for the first day of school, Mary Ann designed the activity book out of necessity, combining proven research methods with bright, colorful illustrations. Playroom Prep is an well-developed, age-appropriate teaching tool encouraging families to unplug and enjoy tech-free education and entertainment time.

"Playroom Prep is your very first learning and teaching kit. The research is already done for you – all you have to do is follow simple directions and spend a few minutes a day one on one with your child, talking about lovely illustrations and basic sounds, shapes and colors."

The Playroom Prep activity book is easy to use and features simple instructions detailing suggested practices to reinforce discussion and practice. Each activity follows a set sequence- adult demonstration, child and adult practice, and child repeats independently. Playroom Prep cultivates developmental skills including-

Fine Motor Skills
Letter Sounds
Writing Skills
Quality Educational "Face-Time"

Playroom Prep is available on Amazon and playroomprep.com 

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