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Let's Get Up and Go Organic! Good to Go Organically Fruit Snacks

We live for snack time, true confession. Having just the right snack available can really be a show and prove moment in our house. We work hard and play hard, and snack well, too. The month of May is National Physical Fitness and Sports Month. While I'm busy staying healthy, and keeping in shape, out and about with the fam, we have partnered with Go Organically® for a fit and fab guest post contribution.

Thank you to our friends at Go Organically® for sponsoring this guest post collaboration by contributing educational editorial content.

Let's Get Up & Go Organic! 
Good to Go Organically Fruit Snacks

Spring Outdoor Activity Ideas 
Guest Post Contribution from Go Organically®

Ahhh, spring. Warmer weather, flowers in bloom, and a chance to rediscover the joys of the great outdoors after several months of hibernation (and the occasional binge-watch). Need another reason to get moving? May is National Physical Fitness and Sports Month—which makes it the perfect time to renew your commitment to a healthy, active lifestyle while inspiring your kids to do the same.

Studies show that kids need 60 minutes or more of physical activity each day. So lace up those sneakers, stretch out those limbs, and head outdoors to try one of these fun-filled family activity ideas from Go Organically® Organic Fruit Snacks.

Gear Up

Make sports equipment easily accessible so you’ll be more likely to use it. Park bicycles near the front of your garage, or keep scooters in the mudroom to inspire impromptu usage. Stash a Frisbee or soccer ball in your car for pick-up games, or “catch up” on the day while playing a quick game of catch in the evenings. The idea is to integrate activity into your everyday life so it becomes a part of your routine.

Play Nature Bingo

Which family member has an eagle eye for spotting things like squirrels, ant hills or pine cones? To find out, head to your local park—or simply your own backyard—and play an active yet educational game of Nature Bingo. Print out a free online template (we like these for their earthy feel) and try to find as many items as you can, marking off each square as you go. Be sure to fuel your adventure with fun snacks for kids and adults, including trail mix, fruit, and our favorite grab & go treat, Go Organically Organic Fruit Snacks.
Embrace Old School Games

When we were kids, it was all about classic backyard games like Freeze Tag, Simon Says and Hide-and-Seek. Our favorite? Red Light/Green Light. One child acts as the “stoplight” and stands with his or her back to the crowd across the yard from the other kids. When the stoplight shouts “green light,” the kids move forward and try to be the first to touch the stoplight. At any point, the stoplight may shout “red light!” and turn around. If any of the players are caught moving, they’re out.

Take a Walk

It sounds so simple, but sometimes it’s nice to get back to basics with regular family walks. Take the dog out together in the morning instead of making it a one-man job. Or work off dinner by hitting the pavement as a family for a sunset stroll. It’s a great way to discover your surroundings, get to know your neighbors, and enjoy quality time as a family while burning off energy. We always bring along reusable water bottles and easy-to-tote Go Organically kids organic snacks to keep everyone smiling.

Enjoy the fresh air!

Find out more about the fruity deliciousness our family loves from Go Organically Fruit Snacks, which are made with USDA certified organic fruit, no preservatives, certified USDA Organic, and gluten-free at GoOrganicallysnacks.com

 As the owner of this blog, niecyisms and nestlings, I am compensated to provide my opinion on products, services, websites and various other topics. This blog may contain affiliate links. Even though, as the writer/owner of this blog receiving compensation for posts or advertisements, I will always give my honest opinions, findings, beliefs or experiences on those topics or products. This blog abides by word of mouth marketing standards. I believe in the honesty of relationship, opinion and identity. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely my own. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider or party in question.
