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7 Ways Parents Count on Times Tales Teaching Basic Math Skills

Every day of our lives, numbers and math facts are an essential part of our lives. Introducing pre-math skills as little learners has helped my kids to more confidently advance in reaching academic benchmarks. Enriching kids learning experiences with early educational exposure is key to creating concept readiness and preparation. My littlest one has just completed Kindergarten and we are moving, actually leaping ahead to higher level mathematics, multiplication facts. We're sharing 7 ways parents can count on Times Tales for teaching basic math skills.

Thank you to the team from Trigger Memory Company for the courtesy of providing promotional products for editorial content purposes.

7 Ways Parents Count on Times Tales 
Teaching Basic Math Skills

1- It's Fast! 

Creatively approached, the mnemonic-based program helps with memorization of upper level multiplication facts. Using the Times Tales techniques, the average learning time is approximately one hour for lesson comprehension.

2- It's Easy! 

Times Tales incorporates engaging number stories, providing a "memory peg", for quick recall of abstract facts. These cues enable kids as young as 5-years-old to recite upper times tables before comprehensively understanding multiplication basics.

3- It's Fun! 

Animated stories and activities in Times Tales are both educational and entertaining. Kids are motivated by the effective learning and teaching methods focused on the most difficult to memorize times tables- 

3x6      4x6     6x6     7x6
3x7      4x7     6x7      7x7      8x7
3x8     4x8     6x8      7x8     8x8
3x9     4x9     6x9      7x9      8x9     9x9

4- Game Show Quiz!

Friendly competition takes learning basic skills to the next level with quizzes. Kids participate in engaging, race-the-clock activities, reinforcing newly acquired skills. Times Tales also includes bonus division problems to practice math facts.

5- It's Practical!

Learning elementary math facts with Times Tales will be instrumental as a teaching and reinforcing tool for all kids. Parents find the lessons to be a great activity for the entire family to enjoy.

6- Bonus Materials!

Times Tales offers kids a valuable learning experience. Providing a selection of bonus materials, there are printable games, tests, flashcards, and crossword puzzles.

7- Effective Learning Resource! 

Successfully teaching kids of all learning abilities more effectively than other methods. Times Tales is available for home and classroom use on DVD and instant download.  

These 7 ways parents can count on the Times Tales curriculum to teach basic math skills. Leap ahead with your little learners, or reinforce math facts with older students with Times Tales from Trigger Memory and on Amazon (aff).

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