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Discover Natural Health and Wellness Benefits of Aloe Vera

Keeping up with trending topics, the health benefits of aloe vera popped up on my radar. I even purchased my very own little aloe plant. Not quite certain what lead me to believe that I'm by any means capable of cultivating any type of greenery, not even a hardy succulent dating back to ancient Egyptian times. My "miracle plant" could have used a miracle itself. Historically, aloe vera survived and thrived as a medicinal plant, used as a topical and ingested remedy for conditions including heartburn, skin irritations, inflammation, and digestive care. Along my journey, the aloe plant was useful (while it lasted), aloe vera juice was pretty tasty, next step, giving aloe vera capsules a try.

Thank you to the team from Nature's Factory Products for the courtesy of providing promotional product for editorial content purposes.
Discover Natural Health & Wellness Benefits of Aloe Vera


Among many other healing qualities, aloe vera contains vitamins A, C, E, B12, folic acid, choline, and other nutrients supportive of digestion, and the elimination of waste from the system.

Soothing Inflammation

Anti-inflammatory properties of aloe vera bring relief by soothing, and hydrating our bodies. Finding inflammation 
as a common factor in a wise variety of health concerns, aloe vera lotion, gel, juice, and capsules are a popular natural treatment options.

Boost Immune System

Improving the functionality of the
 immune system, and our body's ability to protect against diseases and illnesses, aloe vera stimulates our natural defenses. Providing natural antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, and anti-fungal benefits without allergic reactions or side effects, aloe vera is becoming more commonly used by the general population.

Lower Cholesterol and Blood Sugar

Currently investigative clinical trials and studies are researching the effectiveness of aloe vera in lowering levels of cholesterol and blood sugar. 

Boost Digestion

Often noting anti-inflammation as the source of digestive issues, aloe vera can be included into dietary supplements to aid in healing and soothing the digestive system. With laxative components, a
loe vera aids in digestion by normalizing acid/alkaline and pH balance, facilitating digestive bacteria and reducing constipation.

Here's a bonus horticulture tip you can use. If deciding to grow an aloe vera plant, place the aloe in a window receiving sunlight, even right outdoors during the sunny months. Aloe is a succulent plant, storing water in its leaves, requiring water only two or three times a month. During winter, aloe vera enters a dormant phase, needing even less water.

With an 18 year history in the health and wellness industry, Nature's Factory Products, proves "quality and value are the cornerstones of our business'. Visit Nature's Factory Products for additional product information here.

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