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Financial Investments Any Savvy Woman (or Man) Will Take to the Bank

During Middle School one of my teachers put me through torture. While he lectured, we were required to keep our pens down on our notebooks, no note-taking, no doodling, no passing notes, and no fidgeting. Simply focus and pay attention until we were instructed to write down notes. Not necessarily torture for some, however, that was not necessarily my learning profile style. I love writing down notes, and my copy of Manage Your Financial Life: A Thoughtful, Organized Approach for Women is completely noted from cover to cover. Money management class is in progress with this financial investment planning advice that any savvy woman (or man) will happily take to the bank.

Thank you to the PR team for Nancy Doyle for the courtesy of providing a promotional copy for editorial content purposes.

Financial Investments Any Savvy Woman (or Man) Will Take to the Bank

I'm putting out the call in my
BeyoncĂ© voice, "All my savvy ladies! All my savvy ladies!" Announcing the discovery of Manage Your Financial Life: A Thoughtful, Organized Approach for Women, the debut book of Independent Financial Consultant, and author, Nancy Doyle serves to fiscally educate us all to be best prepared for budget for our future financial wellness. When it comes to money, Doyle believes independence and objectivity are essential.

Many of us, in particular, us women, are overwhelmed by our day to day commitments to adequately invest either time or money into securing our financial lives. Needing to become more informed consumer in regards to financial affairs, finding that information is often risky business without receiving financial advice from a trusted resource. Written initially for women, Manage Your Financial Life is a valuable resource for all of us, working to effectively manage financial standings.

Searching through the abundance of financial advice and investing options offered by self-serving financial advisors and consultants is an overwhelming task. Personally, I have been in this situation, as one of many women managing life transitions that have a tremendous financial impact, such as, parenthood, home ownership, career changes, divorce, retirement, and widowhood.

Manage Your Financial Life is a comprehensive, yet basic approach for women, and of course, men to utilize as a framework for building their financial profiles. Simply explained, Nancy Doyle shares her four-step process developed from her 30 years of knowledge obtained in the finance and investing world, in addition to personal experience.

 1 · Get Organized

2 · Analyze Your Financial Profile

3 · Educate Yourself About Investing

4 · Invest Your Money

"Advice on running your financial life can be hard to find," said Doyle. "It's true that much has been written about how to prepare a budget or how to handle debt. But managing your financial life is more than monitoring expenses, sticking to a budget, making a savings plan, and using debt wisely. Managing your financial life is also about being organized, being informed, and learning how to invest and put your money to work," Doyle added.

Author and Financial Management Expert, Nancy Doyle
presents a direct plan of action, based upon professional knowledge on managing finances. As Founder of The Doyle Group, Doyle is credited with 30 years of experience in wealth management, finance, investments, and consulting.

Doyle's insights have been featured in Reader's Digest OnlineU.S. News & World Report and other publications. A graduate of Georgetown University, Doyle received her MBA from the University of Michigan's Ross School of Business, and holds the Chartered Financial Analyst® (CFA®) designation. Nancy Doyle, her husband, and their children live near Chicago. 

Find purchasing details and additional information at ManageYourFinancialLife.com and  Amazon
