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7 Ways Beyond Tablet Challenges Technology and Tradition in Education

Believe me. This is tried and true parenting advice from a mom of three kids, "Challenge your kids before they challenge you." Maybe it sounds a tad bit confrontational, depending upon your interpretation, however, we have put this theory to the test. My challenge is in adjusting the bar, raising the level of expectation for my kids, striving to have them set and obtain goals that are just beyond their current comfort level. A healthy challenge to expand horizons within realistic boundaries serves to refocus and retrain thinking and learning patterns. New to the educational tech scene, we researched 7 ways award-winning Beyond Tablet challenges technology and tradition in education.

Thank you to the promotional team from Beyond Tablet for the courtesy of an invitation to a media event for editorial content purposes.

7 Ways Beyond Tablet Challenges Technology & Tradition in Education

1 - Ditch the Display

Before enjoying a hands-on experience with Beyond Tablet, the concept of a smart tablet minus the display screen was a puzzling idea for me to envision. The tablet's touch screen surface is an intuitive, interactive platform, capable of providing responsive entertainment both with and without Beyond Tablet game maps.

2- Play Space

Developing a multi-player game platform for up to four player at the same time requires a tablet measuring approximately the size of a traditional board game. Adding to the gaming experience, the stationary surface eliminates the need to pass a device back and forth or peek over shoulders to be included in the action.

3 - Original Concept

Beyond Tablet features a simple design with limitless software capabilities. Educational technology and traditional entertainment seamlessly integrate into this unique entertainment gaming system.

4 - Power at the Touch of Your Fingertips

Beyond Tablet is uniquely designed with technology featuring 324 independent touch points, while industry standards average in at just a fraction of this power. Touch points are calibrated to be pressure sensitive factoring in to game performance.

5 - Smart Sensors

Beyond Tablet features smart sensors with the capability to detect and recognize compatible objects such as interactive cards, blocks and figurines. Beyond Tablet detects your touch on accessory objects placed on the tablet's touch surface.

6 - Trending Technology

Utilizing WIFI connectivity combined with automatic system updates and Beyond Tablet game data uploads, trending technology is maintained to be competitively current. Bluetooth connectivity functions with Beyond Tablet accessories, LED lights, Audio Input/Output, App Integration with iOS and Android devices, and Cloud Services to deliver an unparalleled educational and entertainment experience.

7 - STEAM Learning Foundations

Technology trends in education place great emphasis on systems teaching children the basic concepts of coding and programming as highly beneficial learning foundations. Incorporating digital music, interactive compatible accessories, LED light displays and patterns, and age-appropriate educational activities bring STEAM learning with Beyond Tablet to your little learners.

Brainchild of scientist, John Shi, award-winner of the CES 2017 Innovation Award, the display-free tablet, Beyond Tablet launched into the tech industry as an original invention with more than 60 International Patent Applications (PCT), and has been granted patents by the US Patent and Trademark Office. As a parent and researcher, Shi shares, "Trained as a scientist, I believed that the best education for my kid should go much beyond conventional views from experts or successful people."

Five introductory games are included with Beyond Tablet Basic Package- Yes or No, Happy Tunes, Happy Circus, Play Do Re Mi, and Tong Tong Cha, with additional games sold separately including Music Cube, Monster Crash, Battle of Submarines, Lost Pyramid, Elemencery, Spot the Animal, and Funny Fruits. Visit Beyond Screen and Amazon (affiliate) for additional information and purchasing details.

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