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Travel Destination | Okinawa Japan

3 Important Steps to Indoor and Outdoor Fire Safety You Need to Know

Accidents happen each and every day, taking place in simply a matter of moments. Taking time to remember safety first is a lifelong lesson for all of us that always warrants repeating. The month of October is recognized as National Fire Prevention Month, creating an ideal time to designate for best protecting ourselves from potential fire safety hazards within and around our homes. Household fires are an all too common occurrence, with a fire department responding to a house fire every 24 seconds on average, according to The National Fire Protection Association. Pine Mountain is an industry leader in the production and distribution of fire-related products, providing three important steps to indoor and outdoor fire safety you need to know.

Thank you to the team from Pine Mountain for the courtesy of sponsoring this post with informative resources and product for the purpose of facilitating this editorial content.

3 Important Steps to Fire Safety Indoor & Outdoor You Need to Know

Always worth reiterating, smoke alarms are a first line of defense. According to information from The National Fire Protection Association, approximately two thirds of residential fire fatalities are the result of fires in homes without working smoke alarms. Owning and knowing how to use the correct fire extinguisher for specific types of substances is responsible for effectively controlling 80 percent of all fires according to a recent study. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), emphasizes the importance of to preparing an escape plan that everyone in your home knows, indicating the best escape routes and a safe outdoors meeting place (neighbor's house, mailbox, or stop sign) where everyone will know to meet in the event of an emergency.

Eliminate Excessive Accelerant Chemicals

For the times when starting a charcoal or wood fire for grilling, campfires, fire pits, or fireplaces, Pine Mountain ExtremeStart Firestarters safely start an indoor or outdoor fire with the strike of a match. Easily ignited without the fire hazard of accelerant chemicals, these mess-free, clean burning, and odorless firestarters are an eco-friendly way to avoid the potential dangers of storing, transporting, and using combustible fluids.

Observe Fire Burn Times

Fire intensity and burn times are difficult to predict or control. Pine Mountain 2 Hour, 3 Hour, and 4 Hour Firelogs provide accurately measured burn times for indoor and outdoor fires. Ideal for use in fireplaces, fire pits and campfires, firelogs are simple to light without hazardous, messy chemicals and burn cleaner than ordinary wood, producing less carbon monoxide and residue. Using Pine Mountain Firelogs are eco-friendly saving trees, recycling sawdust and coffee grounds, and reducing landfill waste.

Fire Safety Essentials

Constructed in partnership with First Alert™, one of the most trusted brands in home safety products, Pine Mountain Hearth Guard Fire Extinguishing Spray and Chimney Fire Extinguisher effectively protect homes from common household fires. Simple, effective and essential to putting out fires quickly, Hearth Guard Fire Extinguishing Spray is tested and proven to extinguish fires of wood, paper, fabric, grease, and electrical origins. Easy-to-use, the Chimney Fire Extinguisher Sticks control fires within fireplace and wood burning stove chimneys, best used in addition to seasonal Creosote Buster Firelogs.

Life is sometimes very busy and I admit to being known to sometimes choose familiar routine and convenience over practicing proper safety precautions. 

Pine Mountain stands as a leader in the production and distribution of fire-related products, sustainability, and committed to providing indoor and outdoor fire safety products.

As the owner of the digital content featured by Creative Learning Center Studios, I am compensated to provide my opinion on products, services, websites, and various other topics. This content may contain affiliate links. Even though, as the writer/owner of this content receiving compensation for posts or advertisements, I will always share my honest opinions, findings, beliefs, or experiences on those topics or products. This website abides by word of mouth marketing standards. I believe in the honesty of relationship, opinion and identity. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely my own. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider or party in question.
