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Travel Destination | Okinawa Japan

Trunk-or-Treat Ideas for the Ultimate Family-Friendly Tailgate Party

Kids today just never realize that they are truly living the sweet life. Why should our precious little kiddos have to trek from home to home trick-or-treating on Halloween? The idea of trunk-or-treat festivities at fall festivals, school activities, and other community events offers families a safe alternative to the trick-or-treating experience. Living in a rural area, where my kids keenly observed as soon as we moved here during the month of July, there is logistically no way trick-or-treating is happening in our neighborhood. Our homes are distanced to far apart to allow door-to-door visits from creatively costumed astronauts, bumblebees, or lifeless zombies. We soon came to know that the creative fun of trunk-or-treat ideas are the ultimate family-friendly tailgate party.

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Trunk-or-Treat Ideas for the Ultimate Family-Friendly Tailgate Party

Getting ready to trunk-or-treat is half of the fun. Think of getting together with family, friends, decorations, costumes, fun treats and goodies, and enjoying fall festivities for the whole family. Creativity is more than welcomed, it's encouraged as vehicles are decorated in themes, flashing lights, smoky effects, and fun decor, stocked with goodies. Families travel with their goodie bags from one car's trunk to the next trunk-or-treating in a supervised, safe environment, eliminating far car drives, parking chaos, as well as, potentially dangerous walks from house to house.

Imagine the thrill of excitement at a tailgate party. Team spirit fuels the greatest of celebrations. Here are a few ideas for trunk-or-treat inspiration.

Disney Favorites
Candy Land
Pumpkin Patch
Video Game Scene
Favorite TV | Movie | Story Characters
Drive-Thru Window
Hay Ride
Science Lab
Treasure Chest
Construction Site
Dart Board
Big Mouth
Restaurant | Bakery
North Pole
Drive-In Theater
Covered Wagon
Hawaiian Paradise
Under the Sea
Grocery Store

A few words of advice from those in the know- plan a day time event or secure a well-lit parking lot, allow time for set-up before the trunk-or-treat event begins, remember access to restrooms, leave ample space between vehicles to prevent crowding, and provide trash cans for all of those candy wrappers. Consider organizing or participating in a trunk-or-treat event within your neighborhood as a festive family tradition. Get creative and most importantly, have fun!

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