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Look and Learn | You Go, Girl! How To Do Comedy

A funny thing happened on my way to my online course this evening. I totally owned it! I left them in tears! And, by them I mean the hysterical, crying children, which I am eligible to deduct on my taxes annually, for not contributing anything more than backtalk and US currency demands. And, by owned it, I mean I enrolled in How To Do Comedy: A Workshop For Girls + Others, and it's mine. Yeah, I owned it. While all of this real life comedy fails to put food on our table, understand I'm voluntary comedic relief while sitting elbow-to-elbow at any school function, in church, and if our eyes meet across the table at any work-related meeting of the minds. I'm just giving away the goods. But not you, no way! Look and learn, You Go, Girl! Perfect your talent, with GOLD Comedy's How To Do Comedy.

Thank you to GOLD Comedy and their promotional team for the courtesy of providing promotional enrollment for editorial content purposes.

Look and Learn | You Go, Girl! How to Do Comedy

Lesson #1/2 - GOLD Comedy politely insists, "Don't TRY to be funny. But if funny happens, go with it." Why would I be interested in taking an online comedy class? I'm in it for bragging rights. When one of my darling offspring looks at me with all of the disdain only your child could manifest into our life-sustaining air, muttering, "Real funny, Mom..." Watch me flash my credentials while twerking it out.

Created as an online class empowering up-and-coming teen girls and women, How To Do Comedy strives to leave no comedic brilliance behind, of any gender. All are welcome to develop their funnies with insider advice from noted comedy pros in a conversationally informative, at your own pace online series of lessons. Step up your game as you master writing, telling, and selling jokes to perform on stage or just for fun(ny).

"GOLD ComedyTM will train girls and women t0-
- Tell a Joke 
- Command a Stage 
- Own Their Stories 
- Amplify Their Voices 
(Literally. With a microphone! Also metaphorically)
- Pursue a Dream"

Providing coaching and mentoring in the foundations of amateur and professional stand-up comedy, writing, and comedic performance. Empowering the emergence of your authentic persona through confidence-building challenges, How To Do Comedy: A Workshop For Girls + Others reinforces writing abilities, public speaking skills, and helps you to define your perspective of life in your own words. The personal and professional development potential is limitless, really!

My time here is up (not really), and time is money (that's true), so, take the time to look and learn How To Do Comedy: A Workshop For Girls + Others NOW (or later, but not before, you just can't)!

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