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Travel Destination | Okinawa Japan

Let the Stars of The Star Shine for Your Family

Racing from an Saturday morning Birthday party for a classmate, we dashed and dodged raindrops into the shelter of our nearest movie theater for an afternoon screening of The Star. Settling into our seats, soggy yet satisfied, we had the pleasure of viewing one of the most charming family movies we've seen in quite some time. Bringing the animals' perspective to light, The Star is an animated tale delightfully featuring a lovable cast of animal friends following the lead of Bo, a small donkey with big dreams of greatness. We're excited to share the good news message that Dove Approved movie, The Star, is now available on Blu-ray, DVD, and digital download.

Thank you to the promotional team from The Star movie  for the courtesy of providing complimentary media provisions for #TheStarMovie editorial content purposes as a featured contributor of the Sony Pictures Animation's The Star Influencer Program.

Let the Stars of The Star Shine for Your Family

Meet the stars of The Star from Sony Pictures Home Entertainment-

Small Donkey, Big Dreams - Bo (Voice of Steven Yeun)

He's a pint-sized donkey who wholeheartedly believes he is destined for a greater purpose... greatness awaits him outside the mill walls!
Bravely Embraces Her Destiny - Mary  (Voice of Gina Rodriguez)

A strong, confident, and optimistic young woman who treats others with love and kindness - especially Bo. A miraculous pregnancy will take her on an incredible journey. 

First-Time Dad - Joseph (Voice of Zachary Levi)

A humble carpenter, loyal husband, and friend to Mary, and understandably anxious about the task before him.

The Wise-Cracking Best Friend - Dave  (Voice of Keegan Michael Key)

A dove with a big personality and Bo's only friend. He knows that the Royal Caravan is the place for a bird like him - if only he can keep Bo on track!

Fluffy, Friendly, and Flocky - Ruth (Voice of Aidy Bryant)

An adorably smart and helpful sheep who left her flock to follow the new star in the sky. Now that she has a new friend who also thinks the star is special, she hopes to follow it together.

Vicious Palace Dogs - Thaddeus (Voice of Ving Rhames), and Rufus (Voice of Gabriel Iglesias)

Thaddeus is focused on the mission. Rufus is focused on the next meal. Both are intent on hunting down Mary, Joseph, and Bo.

Three Not-So-Wise Camels - Cyrus (Voice of Tyler Perry) Felix (Voice of Tracy Morgan) Deborah (Voice of Oprah Winfrey) 

Cyrus is a know-it-all, Felix is not sure if he knows anything, Deborah is the one actually paying attention. These three will do more than just carry the Wise Men.

These Animals are Anything but Stable - Edith (Voice of Patricia Heaton), Zach (Voice of Anthony Anderson), Leah (Voice of Kelly Clarkson)

Residents of the most famous stable in history who haven't bee able to sleep for nine months - ever since that new star appeared in the sky. Zach the goat is nervous and paranoid, Edith the Cow is cool and just wants some peace, and Leah the Horse thinks the beauty of the spotlight is worth missing some sleep.

A King Threatened and Deadly - King Herod (Voice of Christopher Plummer)

Contemptuous ruler of Judea and determined to destroy the coming newborn king and ruin the first Christmas.

Small Mouse with a Big Mouth - Abby (Voice of Kristin Chenowith)

After unexpectedly being present for the angelic moment that started it all, this little mouse a big tale to tell.

Life in a Mill Isn't So Bad... Old Donkey (Voice of Kris Kristofferson)

A curmudgeon and longtime worker at the mill - he wants Bo to stop wasting time with big dreams. But, there is something about the little donkey that even the hardest heart can't resist.

Surprised and Doting Parents - Elizabeth (Voice of Delilah Rene), and Zechariah (Voice of Joel McCrary)

Mary's plain-talking cousin and her affable husband who were surprised with a baby of their own, John.

The Star, "a tale of faith and friendship," is available on Blu-ray, DVD, and digital download including plenty of additional bonus material equally as entertaining as the featured movie. 

Bonus Materials Include-

-Star-aoke - Sing-Along with Bo & Friends: In this all new song, sing along with your favorite characters including Bo, Dave, Ruth and the unforgettable camels.

-"Life Is Good" Dance-Along - Shake your tail feathers and move your hooves in this fun dance along.

-Lyric Sing-Along Videos - Enjoy the eclectic and inspiring music of THE STAR with these colorful lyric videos that allow you to sing along with your favorite recording artists-

“The Star” by Mariah Carey 

“Can You See” by Fifth Harmony 
“Children Go Where I Send You” by Kelsea Ballerini 
“We Three Kings” by Kirk Franklin 
“Life Is Good” by A Great Big World

-Sweet and Sparkly Stars - Create Star-Themed Cookies to be enjoyed year round and Star Mason Jar Votives to let the light of THE STAR shine with this simple yet stunning craft.

-Faith All Year Round with DeVon Franklin - A children’s sermon discussing the themes of the film and how to keep the spirit of this inspiring story alive in us every day. 

-An All-Star Cast - Meet the stars of the film and explore the exciting voice cast who bring these amazing characters to life 

Let the stars of The Star shine for your family today!

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