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Travel Destination | Okinawa Japan

Breaking the Fear Cycle Brave Enough to Breathe

Fear serves a purpose in our lives. Working to provide us with protection in the face of threatening,  dangerous, or painful encounters, fear is nonetheless considered to be a negative emotion. Have you ever stopped to consider how fear factors into your life? What is your deepest, greatest fear? I, personally have more fears than I care to own up to, in fear of being judged. Silly, right? Another fear weighing heavily on my mind, my fear of actually giving voice to my fears, believing that identifying them as real empowers these fears. On the contrary, I've discovered that what you resist, persists. I'm on a journey to self-empowerment. I'm learning to break the fear cycle by simply being brave enough to breathe.

Thank you to Maria Furlough and her promotional team for the courtesy of providing an Advanced Reader Copy as a member of the Breaking the Cycle of Fear Launch Team.

Breaking the Fear Cycle Brave Enough to Breathe

Breathe. Bringing awareness to this basic life function establishes a grounding foundation to build upon. Each morning I intentionally awake a seemingly lonely time to simply breathe. In these dawning moments of the day, I reflect, meditate, and take advantage of these peaceful occasion to pray my most intense of prayers to silence past, present, and future fears.

Knowing the voice of fear, author Maria Furlough released the inspiring book, Breaking the Fear Cycle How to Find Peace for Your Anxious Heart. Inspiring and encouraging from a spiritual perspective, Breaking the Fear Cycle delivers the gentle guidance necessary to help us move far from the grasp of fear. 

Embracing this hands-on journey, I learned the importance of taking a deep breath, the exploring effective ways to release anxious feelings to successfully rediscover peace, growing from fear to freedom. Fear does have an natural protective significance in our existence, however, breaking the fear cycle releases fear as a disadvantageous factor for success.
Peace is within our reach as Furlough shares in Breaking the Fear Cycle, "The real and the honest-to-goodness truth is that we have no promises that what we fear the most won’t happen. Yet our fears do not deserve the deepest parts of us, nor do they deserve our attention or allegiance. Instead, we should offer our attention and allegiance to God, who is trustworthy, who is truth, and whose promises are real."

Created with an open-ended chapter awaiting The Story of You, the message of Breaking the Fear Cycle is a breath of fresh air encouraging you to become brave enough to breathe. #BreakTheFear

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