Thinking back to my childhood, I vividly remember being treated with the remaining change from purchasing a package of cigarettes from our neighborhood store for a close family member. Unaware of the devastating health risks attributed to not only smoking, but also the hazards of second hand smoke, I blindly obliged these requests, as at the time, it was seemingly a bad habit. In time, I gained a greater understanding of the many life-threatening effects of tobacco use, which instilled tremendous fear for the life of family and friends I knew to smoke cigarettes. Raising awareness equips us with knowledge vital to addressing the negative influence of tobacco products and marketing. Here's what you need to do to prove your kids have Seen Enough Tobacco.
This post was sponsored by Tobacco Free New York State as part of an Influencer Activation for Influence Central. All opinions expressed in my post are my own.
What You Need to Do to Prove Your Kids Have Seen Enough Tobacco
Sadly, with the increasing advertising campaigns reaching out to include larger target populations, new smokers in New York State are as young as 13 years old. The tobacco industry invests billions of dollars in advertising visible to our kids retail stores where we are spending our money. Increased visibility leads to decreased sensitivity. The more that our kids see tobacco, the less likely they are to see smoking as being more than simply a bad habit.
Here in New York, we have seen enough tobacco, more importantly, our kids have seen enough tobacco. Let's take action by working together to put an end to the advertising and availability of tobacco products in our stores.
Get involved by signing and sharing the Seen Enough Tobacco Pledge today to raise awareness to the targeted tobacco marketing threatening the quality of life for our families.
Taking action by making a pledge today, I'm working to open up the platform to keep the conversation going. Actively raising public awareness of the devastating effects of smoking and secondhand smoke- the facts, figures, and faces of our youth, our seniors, our family and our friends, whom have all seen enough tobacco, stand as our call to action. Working together, we have a powerful voice that can stop big tobacco companies from placing their tobacco products and advertisements into our daily lives, targeting our children toward the financial and health risks attributed to smoking "habits".
Working to make New York a healthier place to live, work and play!
One of the most important ways to reduce smoking among youth is to have a conversation with your kids – early and often. Here are our top five tips to help:
1. Direct conversation.
It is important to have a dialogue about tobacco usage with your children at age 5 or 6 – and continue the conversation into their teens. Use time in the car, at the dinner table or even draw attention to no-smoking signs in public places to reinforce disapproval.
2. Emphasize consequences.
Tell kids how smoking can cause fatal diseases (cancer, heart disease, lung disease, emphysema and more) and have immediate effects like bad-smelling hair/clothing/breath and proneness to acne. You can also point out that smoking can negatively impact sports performance and athletic endurance.
3. Be the example.
Set a smoke-free policy at home and for friends/family around your children. If you are currently a smoker, try to never light up near your children, and explain to them that it was a mistake to start and how difficult it is to quit.
4. Discuss responses to friends.
As kids grow up, the pressure from friends at school may increase. Equip them with appropriate responses, should they find themselves in a situation where they are offered tobacco. For example:
"I don't want my clothes to stink like smoke."
"I'm trying to stay in shape for soccer."
"I heard those make you sick."
5. Explain different forms of tobacco and smoking.
Be sure to discuss that the many different types of "smoke-free" alternatives are all still dangerous. Electronic cigarettes (vaping, electric hookahs) still use nicotine and other chemicals that are harmful to health, and smokeless tobacco ("chew") contains nearly 30 cancer-causing chemicals and is highly addictive.

As the owner of this blog, niecyisms and nestlings, I am compensated to provide my opinion on products, services, websites and various other topics. This blog may contain affiliate links. Even though, as the writer/owner of this blog receiving compensation for posts or advertisements, I will always give my honest opinions, findings, beliefs or experiences on those topics or products. This blog abides by word of mouth marketing standards. I believe in the honesty of relationship, opinion and identity. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely my own. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider or party in question.
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