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Travel Destination | Okinawa Japan

Entrepreneur Mom Creates 3 Simple Steps to Outdoor Travel Activity Safety

Sun, sand, along with a soothing breeze on a brilliantly pleasant day have the harmonious power to make everything right in the world. Getting outdoors to travel, enjoy nature or for a little fun and fitness with family, friends, or even solo brings about the best of times. Always factoring in safety precautions, skin care sun protection, water safety, insect repellent, surprisingly, environmental obstacles pose significant risk to our safety during outdoor activities. Seeing need and taking action, Kathleen Pisano, the entrepreneur mom responsible for Noblo, unique beach umbrella anchor, creates three simple steps to outdoor activity safety.

Thank you to Kathleen Pisano and her Noblo promotional team for the courtesy of providing media review product for editorial content purposes.

Entrepreneur Mom Creates 3 Simple Steps to Outdoor Travel Activity Safety

Entrepreneurial success story, Kathleen Pisano, mom, former Forest Firefighter, and Nurse, was present to observe a terrible incident during a visit to the beach with her kids, resulting from a fly-away beach umbrella causing an unfortunate injury. Understandably, the fear of being witness to another beach umbrella blowing away, causing injury to her kids or other people nearby inspired an ingenious safety product. Concept beginnings for Noblo were inspired by basic materials readily available when travelling. Creating a sturdy, weighted bag filled with sand, Pisano proceeded to securely attach the bag to the beach umbrella, then firmly mounting the bag in the sand, this anchor safely and securely provided protection from beach umbrella blowing away with gusts of wind. 

Kathleen’s simple safety product has developed into Noblo Umbrella Buddy, Beach Umbrella Anchor. Widely distributed, Noblo has achieved numerous accolades including Martha Stewart’s 20 Must-Haves for a Natural, Organic, Eco-friendly Summer. 
Photo Credit: Noblo
Eco-friendly, Noblo is a lightweight, reusable bag using surrounding sand to create a secure anchor weight in three easy steps. These 3 simple steps to outdoor travel activity safety with Noblo Umbrella Buddy will keep you, your family, friends and others safe (after you set up your beach umbrella)-

1-  Fill the reusable Noblo bag with sand and cinch closed.
2-  Attach Velcro strap above umbrella spokes.
3-  Set Noblo on the site and enjoy your day at the beach

For Best Results- Face the Noblo on the sand in the direction the wind is coming from.

Visit Noblo for purchasing information and additional safety details.

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