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Fascinating Facts, Photos and Fun National Geographic Kids Almanac 2019

Fun facts are the most interesting way to learn about the many wonders of the world. Taking learning with us on-the-go has kept our family entertained and curious to keep the conversation going after our first experience. Raising readers is essential to our children's academic progress throughout life. Traveling about with National Geographic Kids Almanac 2019 recommended for kids 8-12 years of age, but appropriate for family fun for all ages, we're equipped with more fascinating facts, stats, and figures than we could ever imagine. 

Thank you to National Geographic Kids and their promotional team for the courtesy of providing an advanced reader copy for editorial content purposes.

Fascinating Facts, Photos & Fun
National Geographic Kids Almanac 2019

Many families invest in social studies tuition for the benefit of gaining a greater understanding of global perspective. We've invested time into toting about our handy copy of New York Times Bestseller, brand new, updated edition of National Geographic Kids Almanac 2019, which is so much more than simply an interesting book. Providing free digital extras, the best-selling almanac for kids appeals to everyone from reluctant readers to advanced readers designed for interest browsing or cover-to-cover reading. Find out "everything you always wanted to know about everything!"

Highlights of the National Geographic Kids Almanac 2019 include-

- What’s new and newsy in our world 
- Cool events to look forward to in 2019 like World Emoji Day in July ’19 and Scooby-Doo’s 50th birthday in September ‘19
- Hot movies coming in 2019
- Latest updates about animals like the new four-legged recruits in Brooklyn and Taipei that are currently in training to help their human friends in law enforcement and how a recent Tasmanian Devil baby boom is helping to ensure these marsupials are saved from extinction
- All About Animals — An entire section devoted to the wild and wonderful animal kingdom, including profiles of the awesome "Unicorns of the Sea," how dolphin’s brains work and the crazy antics of armadillos
- Science and Technology — Cool inventions, how the slinky came to be and which animals have the strongest sniffers — to name just a few
- Nature - Important and timely coverage of recent natural disasters, ideas for protecting our seas and examining wild weather and its impact
- 19 facts for 2019 feature in every chapter including 19 Amazing Facts About Vikings, Telescopes, Deserts, Big Cats and more
- Almanac Challenge 2019 — Lions Forever! 
- This year’s challenge encourages kids to get involved and make a difference. The focus is on highlighting the threats lions face and the importance of saving them.  Kids are encouraged to visit natgeokids.com/almanac to create a lion poster and send a message with their entry about why they feel lions must be saved. Winner will receive a $500 cash prize!
- Crafts, Recipes, and Activities
- Digital Extras (videos, games, and even how to set up a “Lion-Ade Stand!) at natgeokids.com/almanac 

Amazing Animals - Winning the National Geographic Kids Awesome Insect Big Eater Award, the Monarch Butterfly has a king-sized appetite! A large monarch caterpillar can chomp an entire milkweed leaf in less than four minutes. Thoughts of The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle, one of my fave stories, come to mind. Who knew such tiny little creatures happen to have such enormous appetites?

Science and Technology - It's a National Geographic Kids Almanac weird but true fact that "bees visit about five million flowers to make one average-size jar of honey." Science and Technology never cease to amaze me as I learn more information. Independent reading and learning about topics of interest is so rewarding- plus there's no need to worry about a test at the end of the chapter!

Going Green - Impressively, it's time to pass along one of my fave Reusable Facts About Recycling- "Glass is 100 percent recyclable and can be recycled an endless number of times." Changing our lifestyles toward the many ways of going green has lead our family to establish our own compost bin. Even better we are saving a little extra green $ by elimination our trash collection expense!

Culture Connection - Frequent travelers should make note of the vast and varied Celebrations Around the World, for example- "Nag Panchami, August 5, In Nepal and India, Hindus worship snakes-and keep evil spirits out of their homes-by sticking images of serpents on their doors and making offerings to the revered reptiles." Well, if this is what works for them, go for it. It's a hard pass on the snake art for me, personally!

Space and Earth - Mysteries and wonders of space and Earth are captivating. Travel to these exotic destination through reading is almost as exciting. According to the National Geographic Kids Almanac, "The Karymsky volcano in Russia is the most active volcano in its region. It's been actively erupting for more than 500 years. The volcano produces a fine, powdered rock called ash, which looks like black smoke." 

Fun and Games - Annunciation is your friend, especially when it comes to tongue twisters. Try this one- Freshly fried fat frogs
Repeating three times fast without stumbling (or being grossed out) and you've mastered this one! Take some time to give your brain a little brainpower workout. Riddles, puzzles, and memory games are an excellent way to keep yourself occupied while challenging you to think outside of box. 

Awesome Exploration - Hey kids, National Geographic Kids Almanac has a challenge which might have you featured in NGK magazine and next year's almanac. Looking for a creative way to express your passion about animal rights and protection? Use your creative talent to design an informative poster expressing why we must do as much as possible to save lions for a chance to win. Find out more at natgeokids.com/almanac.

Wonders of Nature - Wherever we live in the world there are unique characteristics which make our small space in the world extraordinary. Interestingly enough, my son taught us this cool fact he learned in 4th grade environmental studies. Did you know that "the place where fresh and salt water meet is an estuary?" Touching close to home, literally, we know much about this fun fact, as our family lives along the shores of New York's Hudson Estuary. 

History Happens - Learning that iconic The Hope Diamond, surrounded by 16 white diamonds, on a chain of 45 white diamonds, was alleged to be cursed was a surprising bit of info. Discovering this was especially surprising since we personally took this photo of the Hope Diamond a few summers ago. Donated to the Smithsonian Institution National Museum of Natural History in Washington, D.C., we actually had the opportunity to see the Hope Diamond, and lived to tell the story!

Geography Rocks - Mountain life where we live makes rocks an integral part of our daily lives. Exploring geography unearths so much about the world around us, pun intended. Imagine this, we just found out that according to 7 Extreme Facts About Earth in National Geographic Kids Almanac 2019, 97 percent of water on Earth is undrinkable. Think about that fact while remembering to turn off the water while brushing your teeth.

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