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Now Say This - 3-Step Parenting Plan You Can Use

True story- during my many years as a Preschool Director, I've had the wonderful experience of observing the educational and social development of many amazing little learners. Truth be told, not every day was filled with sunshine and rainbows. Some of the most challenging students I struggled to teach, taught me more than they will ever now. Coming to understand the importance of reevaluating my methods to meet the needs of my students changed my perception of the situation. How can I take control of the situation to progress toward a better adult-child relationship? Practical and powerful, Now Say This - The Right Words to Solve Every Parenting Dilemma guides us in the right direction toward sunshine and rainbows.

Thank you to the promotional team for Now Say This for the courtesy of providing an advanced reader copy  for editorial media content purposes. 

Now Say This- 3-Step Parenting Advice You Can Really Use

Experienced authors Heather Turgeon, MFT, and Julie Wright, MFT, equip families with their 3-step approach to effectively communicating with little learners from babies through school-age in their user-friendly parenting book, Now Say This.

Feeling more than a little uncomfortable, I cringe inside each time a child's acting out behavior is referred to as being bad. Turgeon and Wright provide insight into identifying  acting out behavior as a demonstration of the need for assistance and guidance in developing emotional regulation. 

Bringing a powerful tool to caregivers, the 3-step ALP parenting plan (Attune, Limit Set, Problem Solve), Turgeon and Wright equip parents to be better able to understand issues children are actually facing.
1| Attune - Let your child know you understand their feelings.
2| Limit Set - Tell your child how it really is and briefly explain why.
3| Problem Solve - Explore better choices, and suggest ways your child can help solve the dilemma.
Parents have found the application of Turgeon and Wright’s  ALP parenting plan very effective in communicating with their kids. Now Say This - The Right Words to Solve Every Parenting Dilemma - The 3-Step Approach to Effective Communication, supplies parents with scenarios and scripts incorporating their ALP model in easy-to-follow conversational scenes. Personally speaking as both a professional and a parent, our willingness to change the script is one of the most powerful tools we can use as we prepare our little learners to become future leaders.

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