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Max Lucado’s Unshakable Hope Brings Promise for Those Difficult Years

 Sophomore year of high school was a difficult year for my son, this was not his winning season. Despite the best efforts of his academic support system of teachers, guidance counselor, administrators, plus a surplus of encouragement from family and friends- even strangers, guiding him toward success, his mindset proved to be his true obstacle. He became his own greatest stumbling stone on his own path to success. The team began to lose hope. It was a tough time. While I prayed so often for my son to come into his own greatness, he seemed to feel less encouraged to pray. We struggled. Coming across Max Lucado’s book, Unshakable Hope Promise Book: Student Edition, proved to bring promise we need during those difficult years. 

Thank you to Max Lucado and FrontGate Media for the courtesy of providing an Advanced Reader Copy for editorial content purposes. 

Max Lucado’s Unshakable Hope Brings Promise for Those Difficult Years

Summer reading goes without saying in our home, for everyone. combining pleasure reading with purposeful reading, I came across Unshakable Hope Promise Book: Student Edition, written by Bestselling Author and Pastor, Max Lucado, provides a guided study of God’s promises in the Bible and their applications to our lives. Before sharing Unshakable Hope with my son, I studied the easy-to-follow devotionals of God’s promises to us demonstrated through messages and scripture, with Think and Respond conclusions for a personal journal of reflections and interpretations.

What would you do tomorrow if you had no fear? How would you live your life if you knew that the promises in the Bible are for you? What if God Himself put promises there meant for you and has an amazing plan for your life?

In Unshakable Hope Promise Book: Student Edition, Max Lucado shows you how God has kept His promises in the lives of His people for all of history. Using examples from biblical characters and current examples from teens like you, Max will help you explore and understand the ways God has kept His promises then and how He keeps them now.

Embrace an exciting faith-filled life as you work through stories, Scripture, and journaling questions in Unshakable Hope Promise Book.

For a limited time, our partnership is authorized to share an exclusive special discounted offer for Unshakable Hope Promise Book: Student Edition.

About Max Lucado

After 40 Years of Ministry, I’ve discovered that nothing lifts the weary soul like the promises of God. This book contains some of my favorites. Many of them are go- to promises I’ve turned to throughout the years to encourage others. And to encourage myself. We desperately need them. We do not need more opinions or hunches; we need the definitive declarations of our mighty and loving God. He governs the world according to these great and precious promises.The circumstances of life or the promises of God— upon which are you standing?

​— Max Lucado

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