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Advocate 101 Know Your Power - Know Your Girls for Breast Cancer Awareness

More than a fashionable trend, October brings about festive, cotton-candy pink ribbons adorning our clothing, accessories, and almost every commonly used item imaginable. Breast cancer awareness is more than the display of a ribbon. Here's a statistic from Susan G. Komen and Ad Council which gave cause to me devoting my platform to raise awareness of cancer's truth- "Everyone is at risk of breast cancer—but some of us are at higher risk than others." Following my connection with the Know Your Girls campaign at BlogHer Creators Summit in NYC, the urgency of empowering women (and men) to best advocate for their wellness fuels my commitment to the cause. 

Thank you to the Ad Council for providing educational "Know Your Girls" campaign resources for editorial content purposes.

Advocate 101 - Know Your Power
Know Your Girls for Breast Cancer Awareness

The Promise
Susan G. Komen was founded on one promise made between two sisters. Komen is committed to saving lives and ending breast cancer forever by empowering people, ensuring quality care for all and energizing science to find the cures (the “Promise”). 
Anxiety about going to my doctor appointments is certainly one of my character flaws. I'm a work in progress, making purposeful progress toward self-care and self-improvement, I'm doing better because I deserve better and my family deserves the best me possible. Susan G. Komen in partnership with Ad Council are helping to bridge the gap in breast cancer awareness and care for women of color.  Sponsoring their Know Your Girls campaign empowers and informs women to our own best advocates. Here are a few Advocate 101 steps to get you started on your way to your best self. 

1. You know...

You are the one person that best knows your body, it's your body, and there's no person more qualified than you to communicate on your own behalf. Trust your doctor to provide you with medical knowledge based upon their areas of expertise. You are able to offer medical professionals your firsthand information concerning your state of health and any relevant concerns. You know that you're a valuable resource to your doctor's care plan.

2. Investigate Your Insurance

Who completely understands health insurance? Help me out! I'll be the first to admit that I never took the time to learn all I need to know our health insurance plan. I suggest doing just what I've done- create an insurance file folder to save yourself from trying to remember all of the insurance facts and figures, besides annual check-ups, and screenings are covered. Empower yourself by investigating your insurance company's website or calling client care for assistance understanding your benefits.

3. Prep It Up

If you stay ready, there's no need to get ready. I'm a master organizer, preparing as much info beforehand helps prepare you to make the most of your appointment. Record important notes regarding your family’s health history, your lifestyle (sensitivities, exercise, diet, alcohol intake, etc.), and prescription/over-the-counter medications you're currently taking. Jot down information about your health concerns,  and questions to share with your doctor during your appointment.

4. Q&A

Here's where your insurance file folder really pays off big time. Inform your doctor briefly of your current health situation and ask your questions prepared prior to your appointment, in addition to any questions arising during your discussion with your doctor. Get facts about whether you are at higher risk factor for cancer or other medical conditions.

5. More Notes

If note-taking has never been your strong point- you can do it, or phone in a friend to take notes during your doctor visit.  With consent, some medial professionals will allow you to record your appointment for future reference when discussing details about your care with family and/or friends. 

6. Speak Up

Are you and your medical professional on the same page? Voice your satisfaction, dissatisfaction, again, any questions or just how you are feeling about your doctor’s plan of action. Honest dialogue with your doctor opens the door for an open exchange of information focused on your health care.

7. You Matter

Find your voice. Your medical care is essential to your health and wellness. Research and process all of the information and advice provided to you, including the resource of a second professional opinion. Passivity has no true value in advocating for your health. It's important that you do your part, which helps your doctor to do their part in best managing your health. Express any feelings of discomfort or miscommunications with your doctor, research your options for alternative care choices in the event of an ongoing difference of opinions.

This content is provided for general information purposes. This information is not to used for self-diagnosis or to replace the services of a medical professional. 

As the owner of this blog, niecyisms, I am compensated to provide my opinion on products, services, websites and various other topics. This blog may contain affiliate links. Even though, as the writer/owner of this blog receiving compensation for posts or advertisements, I will always give my honest opinions, findings, beliefs or experiences on those topics or products. This blog abides by word of mouth marketing standards. I believe in the honesty of relationship, opinion and identity. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely my own. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider or party in question.
