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Indivisible Movie Inspirational and Insightful

How do you identify the motivation bringing you strength to persevere in times of weakness? Indivisible is a powerful new movie based upon  true life story of Army Chaplain Darren Turner and his wife, Heather. Grateful for their loving, faith-filled marriage, the Turners have been called to serve God, their family, and their country. Gently tugging at my heart strings, many of us will find common pain points in the challenges encountered in our lives summoning our personal call to action. How are you called to serve others? Where have you discovered your greatest challenges? Experience Indivisible, an inspirational, insightful movie for the entire family to enjoy.

Thank you to the FlyBy Media promotional team for Indivisible for the courtesy of providing media promotional movie screener access for editorial content purposes.

 Indivisible Movie Inspirational and Insightful  

"Fresh from seminary and basic training, Chaplain Turner and his family arrive at Fort Stewart. Yet, before the Turners can even unpack their new house, Darren is deployed to Iraq. Heather is left taking care of their three young children alone, as well as serving the families of the other deployed soldiers. Despite a desire to stay connected with their loved ones, the harsh realities of war take a daily toll over the course of the Battalion’s extended deployment. Meanwhile back home, babies are born, kids keep growing, and nerves are frayed with every late-night knock on the door. 

With deeply etched battle scars, the soldiers’ long-awaited homecoming is much different than any of their families anticipated. Carrying burdens the other can’t comprehend, the Turners must decide if they’re willing to face one more battle- the fight to save their marriage." 

Military families serve and sacrifice more than our general population of civilians will ever be able to appreciate. Sharing insight into Army Chaplain Darren Turner's professional and personal life, compassion was overwhelming as empathetically, I followed Turner's journey. From the director of The Grace Card, and the studio credited with Fireproof, and War Room, comes Indivisible, this is the story of one marriage... one family... under God. Powerful and touching, Indivisible stars Sarah Drew, Justin Bruening, Jason George, Tia Mowry, and Madeline Carroll in this uplifting story for all to enjoy.    

Indivisible Movie ticketing information and additional details are available online.

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