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5 UNTAMED Power Moves for Self-Control Success with Kids

Make good choices. Sounds easy enough, doesn't it? Well, I personally parent a 7 year-old determined to test the limits of truth, reality, endurance, and at times, my motherly patience. Sometimes good choices just don’t come easily- for either of us. Breathe. Breathe. Breathe again. Maintaining tame when my limits are tested calls upon every ounce of self-control. It's safe to say there are times when these 5 UNTAMED power moves for self-control success with kids come to the rescue. 

Thank you to UNTAMED Fingerlings by WowWee and their promotional team for the courtesy of providing complimentary product for editorial content purposes.

5 UNTAMED Power Moves for Self-Control Success with Kids
How would you define self-control? Let’s define self-control as being capable of stopping and evaluating their course of action before continuing in a course of action. Simply stated, demonstrating self-control is having the ability to stop and think wisely in order to make good choices. 

Mini and mighty, UNTAMED Fingerlings by WowWee are little guys with big tricks, chomping and growling with total disregard for self-control. These little guys are out of control! My son had his hands full with his UNTAMED Raptor and T-Rex, well, now he's added the newly launched Sabretooth and Dire Wolf to his UNTAMED collection. Interactive and responsive, these ferocious friends have no desire for mastering self-control- tame or untamed.

Power Move #1 - Healthy Habit

Keeping kids along the path to self-control is sometimes challenging. Knowing what we need to do and what we choose to do are two completely different processes. Maintaining a course of direction toward developing and strengthening self-control requires time, patience, and consistency. Continuing to build the healthy habit of self-control becomes strengthened with regular practice.

FUN FACT- UNTAMED Fingerlings react to your touch, sounds, and actions, with a little experience, getting to know your ferocious friend will take a bit of self-control.

Power Move #2 - Accountability Action

Essential to understanding the concept of self-control requires kids gaining an understanding  of the fact that we are all responsible for our own actions and behavior. Use life's teachable moments for kids to admit and accept accountability for their own actions. Through this experience we have the added bonus of not only establishing foundations for self-control, we're also helping to build self-esteem.

FUN FACT- The range of actions paired with more than 40 snarling sounds there's no way to predict how your UNTAMED Fingerling will react.

Power Move #3 - Learning Limits

Learning limits which they are allowed to operate within serves the purpose of establishing boundaries. If children begin acting outside of acceptable limits, the result will be appropriate consequences for their actions. For younger children, missing out on activities while sitting in timeout is an age-appropriate consequence, while older kids may gain understanding through the loss of privileges or assigning of additional chores.

FUN FACT- There's no limit to the excitement UNTAMED Dire Wolf, Sabretooth, T-Rex, and Raptor will bring with their unique feel of "ferocious @ your fingertips."

Power Move #4 - Thinking Through

Impulsivity is counterproductive to self-control. Key to gaining greater self-control is the process of evaluation of a situation, while also thinking through the best decision. Good choices are easier to make as children are able to take a moment of patiently pausing before acting, then proceed to decide the best choice to make.

FUN FACT- Quick moves are power moves when it comes to UNTAMED.  Just when you think you have control over the tame mode, there's the UNTAMED side to discover.

Power Move #5 - Waiting Works

Have you ever just wanted what you wanted when you wanted to have it? Early years of navigating the decision-making process toward self-control introduces delayed gratification. Without seeking reward or benefit is a higher level of self-control demonstrating the benefit of waiting before moving forward.

FUN FACT- Watching every move, UNTAMED Fingerlings are always on alert with their movable head, jaws, and eyes. Keep your eyes wide open to catch the gripping, roaring, snoring antics.

UNTAMED Fingerlings are available on Amazon (affiliate) and at select retailers.

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