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How Can I Help You? Share This Message - Help Save a Life

Tears are welling up as I gather my thoughts. Sadly, there is no boundary that these words should not cross. We are all affected. This is a conversation that must be had, in every home. I'm reaching out to you for your support. According to statistics collected from the Centers for Disease Control, current suicide rates in the United States are increasing at a more than concerning rate. We are losing too many family members and friends to mental health illness. Depression, anxiety, and stress are emotional triggers for many struggling with suicidal tendencies. Simple, yet powerful, repeat these words each day to family, friends, coworkers, casual encounters with strangers- "How can I help you?" Mean it when you say it, then be prepared to take action. Share this message to help save a life.

How Can I Help You?
Share This Message, Help Save a Life

The way I see mental wellness is comparable to the concealed internal framework, essential to supporting our external edifice. Beyond any measure of doubt, there's strength to be revealed in the act of accepting and understanding the need to ask for help. Whether you find yourself in the position of seeking help or you are a source of support for someone in need of assistance, know that you are strong. 

Do You Know Suicide Warning Signs?

Recognizing warning signs of depression and suicide in those close to us requires objective observation. Always trust your instincts, seek professional intervention when warning signs or concerning behavior is presented. Don't ignore possible warning signs, consult an experienced crisis counselor for help immediately.

-Discussing or writing about death or dying
-Researching ways of killing oneself
-Feeling hopeless or helpless
-Feeling stuck in a situation
-Concern about being a burden to others
-Feelings of excessive guilt or shame
-Increased alcohol or drug use
-Anxious or agitated behavior
-Reckless or impulsive actions
-Change in eating habits
-Excessive or insufficient sleep
-Withdrawal from family and friends
-Displaying rage or planning revenge
- Loss of interest in activities
-Change in personality
-Displaying extreme mood swings
-Frequently depressed or sad
-Giving away valued possessions

How Can You Help?

Get involved to stop bullying. Victims of all types of bullying are highly likely to experience feelings of depression, a leading cause of suicide. Take the pledge to join the movement as an Upstander with The Bully Project.

An “upstander” is someone who recognizes when something is wrong and acts to make it right. When an upstander sees or hears about someone being bullied, they speak up. Being an upstander is being a hero: we are standing up for what is right and doing our best to help support and protect someone who is being hurt. In many ways, this is another word for being socially responsible.

"The BULLY Project is the social action campaign inspired by the award-winning film BULLY. We’ve sparked a national movement to stop bullying that is transforming kids’ lives and changing a culture of bullying into one of empathy and action.  The power of our work lies in the participation of individuals like you and the remarkable list of partners we’ve gathered who collectively work to create safe, caring, and respectful schools and communities. Our goal is to reach 10 million kids or more, causing a tipping point that ends bullying in America."

Share your creative expression as a contribution to The Bully Project Mural. The Adobe Bully Project Mural is a digital destination where people can share art, stories, and perspectives about bullying, its impact, and how we can help stop it. We contributed our original graphic design to the mural, where you are able to post your creative work of art, photography, or video on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, or YouTube tagged #TheBullyProjectMural. Head over to Behance to create a new project, using the hashtag #TheBullyProjectMural.

Where Can I Find Help?

If you or someone you know is in immediate danger, CALL 911

If you or someone you know is experiencing bullying and need immediate help, there are people you can talk to and resources that can help-
Text - Crisis Text Line - 741741
Call - TEEN Line - 855-201-2121

If you or someone you know is considering suicide- 
Text - Crisis Text Line - 741741
Call - Suicide + Crisis Lifeline - 988
Call - National Suicide Prevention Lifeline - 800-273-TALK (8255)

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