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Life Coach Mike Bayer Brings Your Best Self Dreams to Reality

For quite some time now, I've been struggling with the feeling that I've been less than my best self. Trust me, I've been handling my business, getting it all done, keeping my family on track (for the most part) following the aftermath of a tedious divorce. Each morning, the routine was more or less the same. My game face, my smile bandage was applied, my "make it happen" motto was upheld. Surface level satisfaction was achieved, therefore, I'd managed to pull off another day in the life. In the life of who? Gradually I came to realize and accept the reality of the fact that I was living as the shadow of my best self. For too long a period of time, I'd allowed myself to dim my shine in an effort to allow those closest to me to shine, living obscurely in my own little shadow, lost amidst their mighty, evolving shadows. No more. There's never a reason to dim your light to allow anyone else to shine. We can all shine, together. Life Coach Mike Bayer brings your Best Self dreams to reality in his life-changing new book.

Thank you to Coach Mike and his promotional team for the courtesy of providing an Advanced Reader Copy as a member of the Best Self Launch Team, for editorial content purposes. This post may contain affiliate links.

Photo Courtesy of Coach Mike Bayer
Ask yourself… Are you truly who you want to be? Is this the life you really want? Are you living your life as your best self? What can you change, today?

How would you answer those questions? Think about your daily life. Are you thriving, or going through the motions? Are your days full of work, relationships and activities that are true to your authentic self, or do you feel trapped on a treadmill of responsibility? If you dream of a better life, now is the time to turn your dream into reality. And the tools you need are within your grasp, to design a life that is fulfilling on the deepest levels. Best Self will show you how.

Mike Bayer, known to the thousands of clients whose lives he has changed as Coach Mike, has helped everyone from pop stars to business executives to people just like you discover the freedom to be their best selves. By asking them and leading them to ask themselves a series of important, but tough questions-such as "What are your core values?"  "Do you go to bed each day more knowledgeable than when you woke up?" and "Am I neglecting some aspect of my physical health out of fear or denial?" he helps them see what their Best Selves and Anti Selves really look like. As a mental health specialist, a personal development coach, and an all-around change agent, Mike has seen the amazing ways lives can improve with honesty and clarity.  He understands our struggles intimately, because he's faced-and overcome-his own. And he knows that change is possible.

By working through each of the Seven SPHERES of life-Social, Personal, Health, Education, Relationships, Employment and Spiritual Development, Best Self is an accessible and interactive book that distills all of Coach Mike's wisdom into a compact, focused guide that will ignite anyone's desire for change. Chock full of revealing quizzes, and full of provocative questionnaires, Best Self will empower you to embrace your authenticity, acknowledge what is holding you back, and break through to live a passionate life to the fullest,  forever.
                                                                              -Coach Mike

So, as of now, I'm putting in the work to get my shine back and it's my time for a glow up. Aside from life's little (and not-so-little) setbacks we all have and will continue to encounter, far too often, we are our own greatest challenge to face. Overcoming the feelings preventing you from becoming your best self will allow you to live in your truth, become your most authentic version of yourself. As I began to read Best Self: Be You, Only Better, I came to realize that there was so much more in life that I am capable of achieving, my focus began to shift. 

Bringing greater focus to those positive qualities about myself deserving of nurturing, provided less time for the negative factors previously overwhelming my life. Coach Mike has identified a few of the universal laws of living, applicable to each one of us. Here's a tip, it all begins with expressing gratitude. Yup, simply start by giving thanks and appreciating what you have in order to move forward to bigger and better opportunities. Discovering the evidence-based approaches referenced in Best Self, currently available on Amazon (affiliate), I'm empowered to create an individualized plan for my authentic purpose as one of Coach Mike's "Best Selfers".

As the owner of this blog, niecyisms, I am compensated to provide my opinion on products, services, websites and various other topics. This blog may contain affiliate links. Even though, as the writer/owner of this blog receiving compensation for posts or advertisements, I will always give my honest opinions, findings, beliefs or experiences on those topics or products. This blog abides by word of mouth marketing standards. I believe in the honesty of relationship, opinion and identity. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely my own. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider or party in question.
