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Baby Bundles of Joy Swaddled in Naturally Soft Organically Grown Cotton by Gerber Childrenswear

Let's keep it real. Why wouldn't we be keeping it organically real when it comes to our littles? Living a sustainable lifestyle, means decidedly purchasing, using, and consuming sustainable, organic materials produced from living sources, as opposed to manufactured sources. Our children deserve the very best that we can offer. So, isn't green living worth it for our children's benefit? Green living benefits our overall health and wellness, as well as reduces the impact of our environmental footprints. Increasingly popular, sustainable, organic fiber choices include organic cotton, hemp, wool, and silk, fashioned without the use of harmful chemical pesticides, fungicides, herbicides, or fertilizers. Envision our baby bundles of joy swaddled in naturally soft and organically grown cotton from the Gerber Childrenswear Gerber Essentials collections.

Thank you to the promotional team for Gerber Childrenswear for the courtesy of providing gratuitous product for editorial content purposes.

Baby Bundles of Joy Swaddled in Naturally Soft Organically Grown Cotton by Gerber Childrenswear

"Gerber has always known what is best for your baby, and the clothing line is no different. Try looking through Gerber’s organic selection for clothes made from the best materials for your baby. She will not only look extra loveable in any of the pretty pink and pastel colors, and the different prints to choose from, she will also stay comfy in the organic cotton clothes all year long."

More and more families are coming to actively support the importance of choosing organic, natural products in our homes, especially when it comes to the first fabrics introduced to new baby's delicate skin. Specially designed, the Gerber Brand Essentials lines of clothing are made with 100% organic cotton jersey fabric. Busy parents with little ones about know the benefits of comfortable, naturally soft, easy-to-care for fabrics, made with organically cotton with Gerber Brand Essentials.

Families are striving to make the best choices for their babies and for the environment by keeping their precious bundles of joy swaddled in naturally soft organically grown cotton by Gerber Childrenswear.

Visit Gerber Childrenswear for all styles and special offers.

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