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When You Reached Out and Touched My Heart

How naturally eloquent are you when it comes to finding just the right words to fit the occasion? Much to my dismay, I struggle to say the right words, resorting to the comfort of drafts, final copy, and cue notes. My writing talents are by far stronger that my verbal communication skills. Challenged with speaking from the heart, I am blessed to be able to write from the heart. At times, there are so very many words filling my heart as I look at my kids, sending up prayers of love and gratitude, it seems impossible to share the wealth of emotions overflowing from within. Capturing the joy we share with one another, acclaimed author, Matthew Paul Turner reached out and touched my heart with his newest release, When I Pray for You.

Thank you to Matthew Paul Turner and his promotional launch team for When I Pray for You for the courtesy of providing an Advanced Reader Copy to Launch Team members for editorial content purposes. This content may contain affiliate links.

When You Reached Out and Touched My Heart

"From the best-selling author of When God Made You and When God Made Light comes a beautifully affirming, deeply meaningful prayer from a parent to a loving God, asking for God’s presence and comfort over the life of a child.

Something about seeing a beloved child come into the world, grow, and experience the wonder and pain of life drives adults to pray for the kids they love. Even people with no religious affiliation will pray for the well-being of a child. When I Pray for You celebrates the dreams, hopes, and longings we pray over our children, and shares with the little ones how much care, concern, and love a parent, family member, or friend feels for them."

Have you ever considered the amount of times parents, family, and friends pray for our children. As a mom, I can say that my faith in the power of prayer, which is far too often put to the test with a teenaager in our home, I honestly had no idea. Perhaps, that's the true nature of the unselfishness of love and its eternal, neverending supply. Our prayers of love and hope flow continually.

Reading When I Pray for You (Pre-Order Exclusive) brought attention to the many prayers we pray over our children. Written from such a sweet, loving perspective, the beauty of praying for our children has been shared with the most sincere emotions and charming illustrations. We're already huge fans of Matthew Paul Turner's previous books- When God Made You and When God Made Light, this newest book has made our family superfans! So much sentiment is captured within each and every word, I was overwhelmed with happy tears before I could finish reading the story. Definitely a new family favorite book, to become a treasured classic in due time. The talents of Matthew Paul Turner and Kimberley Barnes have blessed us with a message of the power of love and faith that we see evidenced, When I Pray for You.

 When God Made Light highlights moments when loving lessons are learned in the light. 

 When God Made You is a brilliant children's book empowering and inspiring young readers.

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