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Travel Destination | Okinawa Japan

Do You Have the Dirty Dozen in Your Kitchen?

Seemingly, for as long as I can remember, I was always told by family members and close friends that I eat like a rabbit. Do rabbits eat cheddar cheese? Extra sharp cheddar aside, I'd have to hop my bunny tail on to the bandwagon to agree with the general consensus. I'm definitely one of those eat-to-live, not live-to-eat type of people. With just enough personal recipes to keep my family living a healthy life, mouth-watering, delicious fruit and salads are my go-to choices at meal times. With that being said, it truly broke my heart to learn that as of this year, kale has taken the place of sweet bell peppers on Environmental Working Group's (EWG) Dirty Dozen list of fruit and vegetables found to contain the highest levels of pesticides. Staying current with the Clean Fifteen, and the latest health and wellness trends, we ofetn use Arm & Hammer Fruit and Veggie Wash to wash our produce. It's important to note that small amounts of sweet corn, papaya and summer squash sold within the United States are produced from genetically modified seeds. Better choices would be buying nutritious, organic fruit and vegetables, when available for non-GMO produce.

Do You Have the Dirty Dozen in Your Kitchen?
"EWG's Shopper's Guide to Pesticides in Produce™, updated every year since 2004, ranks pesticide contamination of 47 popular fruits and vegetables. The guide is based on results of more than 40,900 samples of produce tested by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the Food and Drug Administration. It is important to note that the samples are tested for pesticides after they have been prepared to be eaten. This means the produce has been thoroughly washed and, when applicable, peeled. After these preparations, pesticide residues are still detected on many of the fruits and veggies."

Dirty Dozen™EWG's 2019

Shopper's Guide to Pesticides in Produce™

1. Strawberries

2. Spinach

3. Kale

4. Nectarines

5. Apples

6. Grapes

7. Peaches

8. Cherries

9. Pears

10. Tomatoes

11. Celery

12. Potatoes
