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Tell Me a Breastfeeding Time Story

Quite fondly I'm able to look back at the joy and tears of my time breastfeeding each of my three littles. With the many reasons for mothers to breastfeed little ones, we have never had a lack of understanding come up as a topic of conversation in our home. My daughter was nursed as an infant, so she understood that breastfeeding is one of the ways that mothers may choose to feed their babies. My older son didn't breastfeed for more than a month or so, and my younger son exclusively breastfed, and refused every single bottle, cup, or drinking vessel on the face of the Earth. I was there for it all, and my kids each have their own unique perspective of breastfeeding. When the time is right, kids may ask- "Can you tell me a breastfeeding time story?" Bridging a gap in teaching kids to better understand the benefits of breastfeeding and creating their own understanding, Emily's Adventure is an ideal beginner resource. 

Thank you to Samantha Callen for the courtesy of proving an Advanced Reader Copy for editorial content purposes.

Tell Me a Breastfeeding Time Story

Children often have so many questions filling their curious young minds about newborn babies and everything that makes them smile, cry, eat, sleep, and drawing the line at those poopy diapers. How many times have we told and retold stories of childhood first moments and milestones? For many of us, reflective memories of breastfeeding aren't necessarily a part of our childhood stories. That's perfectly understandable, as we are now making a determined effort to change the narrative for better.

Demonstrating the loving ways that imitation stands as one of the most sincere form of flattery, Emily's Adventure from author Samantha Callen is a charming story. Whether your little learner is currently breastfeeding, already has weaned or never breastfed, following lively Emily's Adventure shares a valuable message. Sharing sweet glimpses into Emily's day with her baby doll, Daisy, including a precious moment with the toddler her mom, while breastfeeding her doll. 

Opening up the conversation to explain to children that mommies makes milk for their babies to nurse helps little ones to grow. Seeing babies nursing is a healthy way for mothers to feed their child, similar to drinking from a bottle.
It’s natural to be curious about breastfeeding, families can empower breastfeeding mothers and support little ones with informative resources such as books like Emily's Adventure and other books showing nursing babies.

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